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The False Masculine Trick: The Punishing God

Adam and Eve

The key myth that pervades western religious thinking is Adam and Eve.  After their little apple incident, they were punished.  We’re erroneously left with the impression that Eve was completely to blame.  Poor victim Adam got dragged down with her.  We accept that God has the right to reward and punish them forever.  Welcome to the illusion!

The story appears to be about men and women, our ancestors.  After a talk on a cruise ship, a man told me that he traced his entire ancestry back to Adam and Eve.  He gave me a copy.  He was Mormon; he’ll believe anything.  He also told me that his friend was chosen to sacrifice himself for the Mormons; he died shortly after.  He thought his friend was special.  I would’ve labeled him gullible.

Like this man, we get tricked into believing illusions — stories that make God into a supernatural he-man.  He has a man cave extraordinaire in the clouds with a golden throne; he sits around all fucking day judging, punishing, cursing, and envying his crappy little minions.  People became afraid of this God because he told leaders to kill their enemy.  Their emotions should have told them their leader was lying, but we all make the same error when terrorized.  We get psychologically reversed to obey false Gods and false leaders.  We think they’re powerful when in truth they’re very weak; that’s why they’re lying.  Dah!

In time, Adam and Eve’s story became so incredibly powerful and widely accepted that no one questioned it.  We look at the world and see people hating, judging, and punishing in the name of God; we don’t realize that religious beliefs are the cause because we think religion has the truth (at least our religion does).  When people worship a false God of hate, judgment, and reward and punishment, they become that.  Then they cover what they’ve become with a mask.

You might say, “Holy shit, this false God guy actually sounds like my parents.”   We tend to construct our false God in the image and likeness of our parents.  Mom and dad are both masculine roles to children.  Moses did this too.  He projected his false God out on his followers, but his God was really his mom and dad inside of his own mind.  People become the same sort of authority they learned from as children.  Bullies have already been bullied.

If we realize that our parent’s judgments, ridiculous disciplinary measures, and lack of trust in our True Self was false, we let ourselves off the hook.  We don’t say our parents did the best they could.  We recognize that they were tricked; we no longer believe them.  We no longer accept their judgment or punishment.  We’re no longer limited by their false thinking.  Their imaginary role in our life loses its false power.

Masculine and Feminine 

Adam and Eve isn’t about a man and woman.  It’s a story about roles.  This story replaced the original purpose of our false self, which was to hold information and short-term beliefs necessary for creation.  Now our false self holds the template for false roles that support a blindly obedient society where the majority function as slaves in support of few elite.

We now accept that the masculine role has the right to judge, punish, curse, and envy without the natural punishment of feeling emotions.  We feel no emotion when we think, say, or do something false once we hold false beliefs as the truth.

This created the psychological reversal extraordinaire that causes people to believe religion (it isn’t a gene).  A normal person, without this reversal, would feel emotion when they judge, suicidal when they punish or curse, and sad when they envy another.  They’d avoid the false masculine role because it’s too damn emotionally painful.  But avoiding the masculine causes us to get stuck in the feminine role with no way out — the double bind (catch 22).  It sucks.  The illusion offers no exit to freedom.  It doesn’t hold the possibility of the True Self because the True Self is the natural blend of the masculine and feminine (God and Goddess).

As people let go, they no longer believe authority figures.  They view them as false, not powerful.  They realize that feeling emotion (honoring their feminine) when a leader speaks means the leader is speaking false; they don’t obey them.  Eventually, they boot out religion’s false God and Moses; they can’t worship false leadership.

They move naturally into the masculine role.  But, they must catch their own false God within, or they will become the false masculine they hated.  Most people have an inner false masculine who’s very accomplished at projection.  We don’t realize when we’re in the false masculine role because we feel relief from leaving the feminine role.  We think we’re our True Self.  We’re not!

This is why it’s so hard for people to get free.  The false masculine feels a lot better than the oppressed feminine role; but it isn’t freedom.  It’s what creates teachers, preachers, inspirational speakers, and gurus.  They believe that if everyone thought like them, the world would be perfect.  The True Self wants everyone to be themselves.  The True Self doesn’t want followers.  The psychological reversal of the false masculine causes us not to feel emotions when judging, rewarding and punishing, or envying others.  The false masculine thinks it’s right when it’s false.  In fact, the false masculine hates the True Self because truth exposes it.  The truth sets us free of the false masculine!

When we understand this, we understand Jesus words on the cross, “Forgive them for they know not what they do.”  The false masculine has no idea it’s projecting.  On the cross means stuck in the feminine role; some people spend their entire life on the cross as martyrs or victims.  The false God loves a good sacrifice; it’s his entertainment while he smokes his cigar, drinks his brew, and counts his money on his golden throne.


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and