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The Body (The Effect of the Mind)

  • Post category:Initiation

Physical is the Effect

My perspective of the body changed dramatically the day I read one of Edgar Cayce’s most famous quotes.  “Spirit is the life, mind is the builder, and physical is the result.”

Edgar Cayce was affectionately known as the “sleeping prophet.” For forty-three years (early 1900’s), Cayce put himself into an hypnotic state after lying on a couch, closing his eyes, and folding his hands over his stomach.  He would respond to questions as diverse as, “What are the secrets of the universe?” or “How can I remove a wart?” His responses came to be called “readings.”  As you know, I’m not a big fan of psychics or prophets.  Cayce interested me because I’d worked as a hypnotherapist and discovered that people were insanely honest under hypnosis.  With the conscious mind out of the way, they also got wiser.

Cayce spoke in the style of the Bible writers; I often found the same deep meaning in his words.  This eventually caused me to realize that we all have the truth inside; but we’re brain washed, so we look for the truth outside.

Prior to reading Cayce’s quote about the body/physical, I’d tried like hell to understand the body; but quite frankly, the perceptions and knowledge of experts sounded small, limited, and completely disempowering to me.  They spoke with conviction; and seemed far too comfortable with memorized knowledge.

Beliefs and the Body

Applying this quote wasn’t just about looking at my body and telling it that it looked beautiful or healthy.  It wasn’t about just numbing or releasing my stress or emotions.  It wasn’t about changing my outer world either.  I came to realize that my body knew if I was speaking from beliefs (lying); and it knew if I was believing other people instead of my Self.  My body simply wanted me to trust my True Self.  And that felt impossible at the time.

Believing lies and holding on to them, weakened my immune system; but I was scared not to believe experts in the beginning.  I feared that they were right because I’d not yet come to understand that beliefs generate emotion.  The doctor had no emotion when he spoke a diagnosis; but I felt overwhelmed with emotion when I heard it.  That’s the power of projection.  In the true world, the doctor would feel the overwhelm of emotion; s/he’s the source.  They wouldn’t be able to speak a belief or knowledge.  This is just one example of how the illusion puts us on the train to hell while telling us that we’re heaven bound.

Eventually, I realized that every belief that I held in mind was stored somewhere in my body.  If I could find the causal belief, the emotions left and the problem disappeared without any treatment.

The Way Out

In talking about Jesus, Cayce said, “He hath shown the way; not by some mysterious fluid, not by some unusual vibration, but by the simple method of living that which is life itself.  Think no evil; speak no evil; hear no evil.  And as the truth flows as a stream of life through the mind in all its phases or aspects, and purifies same, so will it purify, revivify and rejuvenate the body (294-183).”  Reading that was like, “Dah.”  Notice that he didn’t say to change our diet, meditate ourself into oblivion, raise our vibration, or twist our body into strange positions.  He said purify the mind.  Cayce’s words were often in sync with the initiation teachings.  But oddly, his readings that gave personal medical advice was just like any doctor or healer; he clearly didn’t believe that an ordinary Jill or Joe could do what initiates did.  That’s where we parted ways.  I did know that initiation was for anyone who wanted it.  I was an ordinary Jill.

In a Search for God group, Cayce was asked, “Is it possible for our bodies to be rejuvenated in this incarnation?”  He responded, “Possible.  The body is an atomic structure, the units of energy around which there are the movements of atomic forces that are ever the pattern of a universe.  Then, when these atoms are made to conform or rely upon or to be one with the spiritual import, the spiritual activity, then they revivify, then they make for constructive forces.  (262-85).”  But he then went on to say that rejuvenation wasn’t probable for anyone; most people weren’t inclined to do the intense work necessary to achieve the required mental state.  They’re too easily distracted by outer occurrences, i.e., the benefits of the illusion or fixing effects.

Most teachers today say that we can’t let go of our beliefs, at least not big ones, so we have to will our body or rise above it.  I disagree.  However, initiation isn’t a weekend workshop.  It’s a way of life.  It was said that Pythagoras spent decades in schools of initiation.  Cayce said that Jesus was initiated during his missing eighteen years.  People don’t realize how strong of a commitment they need for this path.  We hold beliefs about everything and everyone.

In the Beginning…

Years ago, I was sitting in my office and heard a loud voice in my mind speak, “Do you want to be beautiful on the inside or outside?”  I quickly answered “inside.”  I meant that answer; I wasn’t being proper.  This question was a bit of a trick to pull me inside.  My willingness to give up something that I held very dearly put me on this path.  I had to see my body free of fixing effects; that wasn’t easy.  But it was necessary for me.

Imagine how easy life would be if everyone’s physical body mirrored their mind.  No one could trick us.  Pure-minded people would be beautiful; those who hold beliefs would be ugly.  Fixing effects would be proof that you were an ugly person.  A lot of businesses would die a quick death.  And letting go would be the most popular game in town.


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and