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Roles: When the Masculine Pretends to Be Feminine

leadership:  Masculine and feminine roles

More About Roles

This post is a continuation of our discussion of the nature of  masculine and feminine roles within the illusion.  When we understand the illusion, we can get free of it if we choose to do so.  The illusion isn’t part of our True Self.  We can drop it and forget it; and we won’t miss a thing.  If we believe the illusion is true; however, we’ll perpetuate it whether we know it or not.

Roles are the kingpin of the illusion.  To let them go, we first understand roles mentally; then we learn to feel our way out of roles using our emotions as our guide.  Letting go of our masculine mind is completely different from letting go when we’re stuck in the feminine mind.  We all must learn how to do both since we all have a masculine and feminine mind aspect.

If our masculine mind or intellect is filled with beliefs, it will be weak.  When we play a masculine role, we’ll be a weak leader.  We’re all weak leaders until we let our beliefs go.  Weak leaders use physical force, manipulation, fear, lying, or omission to get their way.  They’re very competitive, and they’re stuck in being right.

If our masculine mind is weak (because it’s filled with beliefs), and we’re playing a feminine role, we’ll be stuck living with weak leaders who abuse us mentally, physically, or emotionally.  Nevertheless, even in the most hopeless of feminine roles, we can gain our freedom if we strengthen our OWN inner masculine mind.  We do that by letting go of OUR OWN beliefs, not putting more beliefs in.  As the masculine aspect of our mind becomes free and loving, we gain true power; we move above our abusers energetically; they stop abusing, go away, or give us what we deserve.

Masculine in the Beginning

In the beginning, the leader or master (masculine role) had all the power and responsibility.  The followers had no power and no responsibility other than obedience to the wants and needs of the leader; they played a slave role.  Obviously, the master role appears to be a much more rewarding role.  However, when we accept either role within the illusion, we actually accept both roles within our OWN mind.  We can only play one role at a time.

Masculine-dominant minds (or people in authority) project their unattractive roles out on to other people who have the mindset to play those roles.  They appear more powerful than they actually are.  People with feminine-dominant minds end up playing roles they don’t want to play.  They wonder how in the hell they got tricked.  Often the authority tells them God gave them that problem or role; they just have to accept what is.  Bullshit!

If we project out the slave role and play the master role, we appear to have more power over our life and choices.  We could let go of all roles completely and gain freedom; but most fear they’ll become a slave if they do that.  On the other hand, if we strongly identify with the slave role, we feel powerless to gain our freedom.

Most people believe the illusion is true so they just want a masculine role; they want their beliefs to be the right ones.  They want power and authority.

Occasionally people move out of the slave role and into the master role.  That looks like freedom, but it isn’t.  They generally succeed by fighting, having a superior talent, or outsmarting the master.  The prize is the masculine role; but now they’re the target.  Others will try to defeat them.  This is the nature of the masculine illusory game.

Most Clever Trick  

The masculine mind eventually developed a clever trick because it wanted the power and rewards of the masculine role but not the responsibility.  Masculine leaders started to behave in feminine and caring ways while masking their uncaring, self-serving, or weak beliefs (the cause of all problems).  They would blame others for their failures.  However, they still took full credit for their successes.  Oddly, if you study Plato’s legend of Atlantis, it’s the trick that supposedly caused it’s final destruction.  The story has a good lesson for us.

When people in masculine roles pretend to be victims and avoid responsibility, things get destroyed, problems multiply, and nothing comes to completion.  We can’t fix the problem if we can’t find the cause.  It’s like blaming the wrong person and sending them to jail.  It doesn’t fix anything; the real criminal is still running free.

The majority of people don’t see that they’re living a role projected on them by some person in a masculine mindset or role (not God).  In fact, the person they often run to for belief reinforcement, vote into office, or pay to fix an undesired effect is almost always the cause of their problem.

The ancient initiates taught us that the cause of a problem is always in the mind of the person in the masculine role (the authority or leader).  These false leaders affect us when we accept their beliefs.  We store their beliefs in our own masculine minds.  Then we go looking for answers in the wrong places.

When a leader is ineffective, it’s because they still hold old beliefs.  Weak leaders tend to hold a very Old Testament view of God and life; that doesn’t work anymore.  People are becoming smart enough to realize that the Old Testament God sounds too human.  Unconditional love (God) doesn’t punish or hurt; nor does it make us obey laws that are not win-win for everyone.

The goal of life is to escape the illusion.  We each have a masculine and feminine mind aspect that’s meant for giving and receiving gifts, wisdom, and love.  If we escape the illusion in our own mind, we become a true leader in our own big or small piece of the world.  According to Plato, that’s how we avoid destroying our world and our life.


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and