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Becoming a True Leader by Mastering the Masculine Role

Masculine Role

Masculine Role

A true leader is someone who carries out the masculine role perfectly.  The masculine role in our modern world has fallen to a very low level.  Most leaders in masculine roles are power-hungry, competitive, and need to be right.  They project their shadows on to others; then they blame the shadow.  Consequently, the people they lead in feminine roles feel confused, emotional, and powerless.

The master of the masculine role leads from the inside out.  They have a pure mind and only believe thoughts that take them to a win-win vision (they actually know what a win-win vision is).  They let go of the thoughts that aren’t moving their community or business forward.  They don’t hide their false self under a nice or smart persona or say one thing and do another.  They have few beliefs; all of them are from first-cause (non-judgmental) thinking.

Years ago, I discovered the true masculine as a business owner.  At first, I followed other leaders.  I tried to motivate my employees, create an inspiring vision, and treat everyone fairly.  I tried to hide or deny my fear.  But something was off, and I knew it because I could feel it in my body.  I still competed for work.  I still honored beliefs about business and my industry because everyone else did.

In short, my masculine mind was split into win and lose.  I was always battling for the win.  When I won, I felt good.  When I lost, I felt bad.  The outcome of any competition determined how I felt, and that was no longer acceptable.  So I made a simple decision that I would no longer do anything that wasn’t win-win for everyone involved.

Slowly, I realized that if I let go of my own beliefs, I was left with the truth around any situation.  My employees no longer needed motivating, and I didn’t have to compete and market.  I got the business that was right for me.

I wasn’t just changing my thoughts superficially; I let go of the thoughts that weren’t true.  My mind now sorted information based on true and false, not win and lose.  When something went wrong, I found the cause in my mind and let it go.  The cause was always a belief that I’d learned from another.  Slowly the outer world came to match my inner vision.

But this all worked because I played the masculine role.  I was in charge.  I used the people in the feminine role as my mirror; I was serious about not breaking that mirror.

Why Leaders Fail?

Leaders fail because they aren’t leading.  They might hold the position, title, or authority; but they aren’t a true leader if they lead from win-lose.  They hold beliefs or rules in mind that they want others to follow.  They see enemies to defeat.

Most leaders try to impose or force their beliefs on others.  They try to convince everyone that their beliefs are right and their enemies are real.

When a leader simply wants to win their projected battles, they aren’t a leader.  They’re a dictator.  Dictators tend to use force, shame, guilt, blame, manipulation, or fear to get their way.   Sadly, most parents, teachers, clergy, and leaders of all sorts are either dictators or complete push-overs.  A true leader is neither of these.

Getting to True

To get to true leadership, we must find the cause of problems in our own mind.  The cause is always thought, a belief.  The person playing the masculine role is always at cause in the illusion because it’s the masculine role that has authority, makes rules, and gives rewards or punishment. The illusion was created that way.

What we really want are leaders without beliefs that take us all to peace, abundance, and freedom.  But our false self tends to choose leaders that validate our beliefs.  We feel supported when people think like us.  So we exacerbate the problem.

Letting Go in the Masculine Role

Letting go in the masculine role is different from the feminine.  In the feminine role, it feels like beliefs are coming at us.  We didn’t make the rules or create the beliefs, but we feel we must follow them.  Letting go in the feminine role is difficult.

In the masculine role, we’re always facing our own projection.  If our projection isn’t free, joyous, and basking in abundance, our false self wants to either fix or battle its shadow, when it should just let it go.  Some people do this their entire life.  Shit we label people heroes for fixing their own faulty projections.  We’re really blind on this issue.

If a leader of a country sees poverty, they have poverty inside their mind.  If they see terrorists, they’re the cause of the terrorism.  When we accept the masculine role, we accept the responsibility for everything that goes wrong.

The person in the masculine role cannot be a victim because they’re the cause.  Problems can only be fixed at the cause.  When the leader takes responsibility for their thinking, problems get fixed easily.  When they take action to fix the effects of their thinking, problems last forever.

Our world is a mess now because our leaders project their beliefs outside of them and act innocent when they come back to bite their ass.  This is why I teach people in feminine roles to no longer accept projections or beliefs.  Leaders stop blaming the feminine when it no longer works.

The true masculine recognizes that their job is to watch and listen to their feminine projection and self correct.  A true leader rarely gets the credit because they made the correction inside their mind, rather than outside with effort.  It looks like things just went back to normal or a miracle occurred.

Lao Tzu said, “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.”  Lao Tzu understood true leadership.


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and