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Living the True Masculine and Feminine Roles in Relationships

Earth as a mirror of our mind

Getting Right Inside

I usually discuss the masculine and feminine related to roles; but the masculine and feminine are actually aspects of our own mind.  The correct inner relationship manifests correct outer relationships.  However, most people live as if the outer world and relationships create their thoughts.  They live life backwards.

In order to let go, we must move our attention inside of our mind.  We must take our focus off the belief-generated illusion and other people; we become inner directed.  Don’t confuse this with introversion.  Inner directed means our attention is on our OWN mind, not other people’s minds.  It means constant discrimination.

Whether we’re male or female, we came hard-wired with a masculine and feminine mind aspect — once called God and Goddess within  (True Self).  Living as a True Self is only possible when we let go of everything false from our minds.  We’re left with only true.  We now create in the physical world using only first-cause thinking.

When we’re thinking true thoughts, our inner masculine and inner feminine harmonize as one.  Our mind is unified (top of the triangle).  These are our most creative moments.  Our inner God now loves unconditionally and thinks only the truth or first-cause thoughts; hence our inner Goddess is creative and wise.  Our life works.

Inner Relationships Create Outer Relationships

Jesus said (paraphrasing), “Don’t do shit until you find the kingdom of heaven within.”  That was damn good advice.  If our inner masculine mind is a giant mass of beliefs and knowledge, our inner feminine mind will be emotional and non-creative.  What’s inside our mind creates what’s outside of us if we hold a masculine role.  When we don’t hold a masculine role, then we’re lowly cast members in the stories of the people who hold the masculine roles.

The true masculine leader was modeled after the sun.  The sun gives light and warmth unconditionally.  It doesn’t check to see if we’re worthy of it’s gift or ask for something in return.  Likewise, the masculine sexual organ gives.  Thus the masculine role was considered a giving/assertive role.

The feminine role was modeled after the moon or earth to reflect or absorb.  The sun, moon, and earth were metaphors for the mentally oriented masculine and feminine.  We assume that the sun sends pure light; but humans in the false masculine role send fluorescent (fake) light.

If the masculine mind or leader is like the sun (true) and loves the feminine unconditionally, the feminine reflects that unconditional love back like the full moon, or the feminine earth absorbs the sun’s rays and creates life.  However, if the false masculine mind or leader projects judgment, criticism, or discipline on the feminine, the feminine reacts unnaturally with emotion, rebellion, problems, or disease.

The True Masculine lets go of any thought that causes emotion or limits the feminine (not win-win).  But the false masculine doesn’t let go.  It thinks its beliefs are right and true.  It projects the unwanted part of it’s divided (second-cause) thinking on to its feminine using blame.  It believes that it can think false and get true.  That’s ridiculous, but that’s what it believes; it calls it discipline.

If we all lived as True Selves, creating would be cooperative with two or more whole people creating more than the sum of the equal parts.  A common goal or desire would unite people — not their beliefs.  The leader would hold the vision for the group — not impose beliefs or rules on them.

Reality of Relationships

The True masculine role is mentally oriented; its pure mind never gets tired of giving.  What effort does it take to think truth or love unconditionally?

The false masculine, however, is physically oriented; a false masculine mind says to physically give, sacrifice, or serve.  The false masculine leader (or God/Lord) gives discipline, rules, and beliefs.  It gives conditional love (rewards) and punishment.

Thinking false thoughts is exhausting.  But the false masculine is cunning.  It makes the rules and convinces others to do it’s hard work with lies while it receives the benefits, power, and credit.  Rules are false; they shouldn’t be obeyed.  But we’ve been psychologically reversed to obey.

A powerful false masculine leader (like royalty or a billionaire) feels balanced.  But, they’re not.  They’re living the beneficial side of both roles.  They have no compassion for their projection — the people living the shitty side of both roles who have no power and no rewards.  Thus the successful false masculine leader often does a little charity work or service to mask their projection and look generous.

False masculine leaders have no reason to change their mind, so we have to transform ours.  When we let go of their beliefs/rules in our mind even if they’ve created our reality in the past, we move into the True Masculine role naturally.  The true leader is the person with the purist mind in any situation.  They have more power than the balanced false masculine; they can make everything right.

In initiation, we don’t fight for the masculine role or win it by education, expertise, or knowledge.  We simply let go of all of our beliefs.  We let go of allowing others to project or impose their beliefs on us.  We let go of our judgments of others.  Our mind becomes clear and pure.  Then we rise naturally to the true masculine role.  It’s so subtle that we hardly even know we’ve done it.

In initiation, this was called becoming the Christ or the Son of God.  In religion, it’s called impossible.  Religion worships the false masculine; the false masculine always has an enemy or opposite like Satan.  The higher the false masculine rises in the system, the more it’s attacked by Satan.  However, when the True Masculine takes the lead, the false masculine loses its false power; it retreats or submits because it’s finally feeling its own emotions.  It’s pulled inward.  Its lies no longer work.  The war is over.


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and