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Validation That You Are Going Toward Freedom

  • Post category:Initiation

The New Thought Movement

The New Thought movement made it much more difficult to follow the path of initiation.  It made thinking our way to success, wealth, and a hot body into spirituality.  Jet planes and mansions now proved mastery.  Spiritual teachers made whatever their false self liked into a sign of spiritual mastery.  Spirituality became big business.

New Thought teachers/preachers speak truthful ideas and thoughts to false selves who memorize them creating a spiritual-looking false clone of their True Self.  These leaders promote their beliefs as the truth; people throw their True Self under the bus to follow these charismatic leaders.

People have more beliefs than ever.  They view their beliefs as right and true.  They impose them on others without questioning themselves.  People have adopted spiritual practices only to become more judgmental and more inclined to fix the effects of their thinking.  Finding the cause often seems like too damn much work when a little internet research and a swipe of the credit card can appear to solve anything.  We forget that science has limitations.  We will eventually run into a dead-end that we can’t fix.

There are moments in my own inner work that I think, “I could just fix that effect and people would find me much more believable.”  They wouldn’t notice my inauthenticity.

But I’d notice my inauthenticity.  Those who stick with this work often feel their progress doesn’t seem to matter.  People can’t see our True Self if their own illusory veil is too thick.

Signs Versus Validation

Most people look for signs to determine where to go.  As we purify our mind, we stop looking for signs.  Instead we receive validation that we’re going the right way.  It’s often a small insight, but it keeps us going.  If you’re serious about this path, forget about others and what they think of you.  Keep score of the improvement within your own mind.

In time, material things do come to initiates.  This isn’t a path of abstinence or lack.  Our health will improve; diseases will disappear.  We’ll have more energy and even look younger.  We’ll have the abundance we need and want if we just keep our eye on our own mind and let go.  Our desires will be fulfilled naturally when we have no beliefs that block them.

When we put the purity of our mind first, everything works organically.  We become truly good and right, but we don’t use that for power over others.  This was the secret of the true initiates.  But religions and the occult put the physical reward first; they created the entrance to hell by falsely defining good and right and attaching rewards to their false rules.

Validation:  You’re Going the Right Way If:

1)  Using your will to fix or get anything seems like too much work.  You only want to use your will to let go of your thoughts and beliefs.

2)  False desires are falling away.

3)  You don’t want to judge people or gossip.  It feels bad to judge anyone.

4)  People who others look up to don’t impress you.  Talent or beauty that’s used by the false self is no longer attractive.

5)  You notice when you’re projecting on others.  You feel when others are projecting on you; you do a better job of rejecting their projection.

6)  You find yourself courageously standing up for your True Self or standing up for the True Selves of others.

7)  You don’t label emotions.  When you hear a thought that generates emotion, you know it’s false.

8)  You don’t look for inspiration or motivation outside of yourself.  You feel more internally creative.

9)  You aren’t looking for approval from others; you want to please your True Self. You’re no longer a fake nice person or a people pleaser.

10)  You can’t lie.  It’s physically painful.

11)  You aren’t paying experts (doctors, lawyers, therapists, psychics, trainers) anymore.  You were only wanting them to tell you what you already knew.

12)  You avoid self-help workshops and no longer read voraciously to find answers.  Validation comes to you naturally now.  Insights come when you let go.

13)  You’re starting to see the illusion as false.  Roles become obvious, authority looks impotent, and the notion of good and evil looks silly.  False just looks false.

14) You no longer feel guilt, grief, or shame.  You don’t take responsibility for other people’s emotions.

15)  You let go of beliefs; you don’t want to impose them on others anymore.

16)  You find yourself calm and happy for no apparent reason.  You don’t hold others responsible for your joy.

17)  Competition isn’t attractive…win-win is.

18) False self connections don’t look like love anymore.

19) You can create things with a single thought or a vision in your mind.  You don’t have to hammer at a thought with affirmations or visualize what you want for years to force your desires to manifest.

20)  You’re more loving, more compassionate, and more genuine.  You realize that anyone trying to be positive, spiritual, healthy, or good has an impure mind that they’re trying to cover up with physical actions.  You have nothing to hide so you hide nothing.

21)  You realize that your purpose was to find your Self not to be somebody in the illusion.

22)  You love your inner world.  You use your imagination to create beauty and joy, not disease and suffering.

When we let go, we gently and organically move into our perfect life; the painful things of the past now seem like an illusion…a dream.  We don’t long for things or people anymore; we know that our True desires will come to us.  We become calm, accepting, and courageous.  Letting go becomes a way of life; and our True Self/God is no longer up in the sky.  It’s within.

We realize that the truth has all the power and the false has none.  If we live and speak the truth, we break up the illusion for ourselves and others.  We eventually see a different, more perfect, world.  We’re going the right way.


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and