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Getting Through the Tunnel of Lack to Find Real Abundance

  • Post category:Success

We all realize that abundance is true.  Even televangelists talk of our right to abundance these days.  Yet often the path to freedom takes us through periods of lack.  We wonder what we’re doing wrong.  We’re actually doing something right.

Once we U-turn and accept the path of initiation, the seeming problems in our life are there to push us to let go.  To get to abundance, we must let go of the normal perspective of rich and poor (triangle process).  We’re taught that rich people are free.  Money buys happiness.  Not true!

Abundance isn’t the same as wealth or riches.  Abundance has no opposite.  It’s the normal state of having everything that we want and desire.  But abundance doesn’t include excess.  It doesn’t include saving for a rainy day because the True Self doesn’t have rainy days.  Abundance is simple.

Fixing Causes

Initiation is about fixing causes, not effects. To understand this, watch an episode of, “Keeping Up With the Kardashians.” If they argue, they fix the relationship with gifts. Wreck their car, a new one is in the driveway before the sun sets. Need to lose weight, they hire a personal trainer, chef, and therapist. When we fix problems with money and experts, we’re living from wealth, not abundance.  We think the money buys freedom; but the rich are usually the furthest from true freedom.  The more we fix our problems with money, the more we veil our causal beliefs.  Lack pushes us to let go.

When we fix a problem’s effect, the problem still exists as a potential in our mind.  Often we project that problem on to others because our mind says it no longer applies to us.  We fixed it.  It’s hard for me to convince people to let go of problems that they believe they’ve fixed because the remedies of the illusion have gotten so quick and so good.  People say to me, “Shit Cathy I already fixed this with medication, surgery, or positive thinking.”  “I just want to keep taking the drugs, doing the exercises, or going to the healer.”  If we fear the problem coming back, or have to take or do something to manage it, we haven’t removed the cause.  The false self will do anything to avoid exposure; it doesn’t believe in letting go because it wants to stay alive and in control of our body and life.

If we let go of the cause of any problem, we’ll  never experience it again; we’ll be able to help others let it go until eventually that problem doesn’t exist for anyone anymore.  That’s true service of the highest level.

Our True Self, once we allow it back into our life, knows that our beliefs must be exposed and battled for us to live a free life. We won’t have incentive to let go of causal beliefs if we fix our problems with money.  So lack enters our life to keep us from being tempted.

We’re often overwhelmed with fear and powerlessness when lack enters our reality.  That’s good.  If we follow our emotions with our attention, we’ll find the causal beliefs.  Then we just have to remember to let go.  Our mind might tells us that we need help from others. It will fear that we’ll be homeless.  It embarrasses us.  We might fear that we’re being punished by God.  Thoughts of unfairness or injustice often arise. We might blame others for our situation. These thoughts are all false, but they look and feel true because we’re psychologically reversed on the subject of money — we think the emotion we feel is proving our beliefs true when it’s actually reminding us that our beliefs are false.

If we battle our mind and defeat those psychological reversals, the lack will disappear. But this time we’ve fixed the cause not the effect.  We won’t experience lack again.  We won’t even fear it coming back.  That’s abundance.

Losing Motivation

Initiates lose their external motivation. We used to be able to drag our asses out of bed every day to work for the man. Now, we can’t.  We can’t find the willpower to obey the rules of society — work hard, suffer with a smile, and pay your debts.  We often feel worthless or start to wonder who we really are because our mind tries to figure out why we’re in this situation.  Most people lose their outer motivation before their inner motivation kicks in.

Quitting the job we detest gives us the time to sit quietly and let go.  Ideally, we let go until action is inspired.  Freedom, not wealth, has become our new north star.  But often we go through a long dark tunnel of lack before we see the light of abundance.  Our mind makes letting go difficult as it reminds us of our dangerous reality.  We must remember that our reality is the effect of our beliefs — not the truth.  We have to keep letting go if we want to get through that tunnel.

Losing Approval

Often our old way of making a living earned us approval or avoided disapproval.  We may have felt virtuous for working hard. We might have improved lives in an illusory service role based on fixing effects.  Now we feel lazy, worthless, and selfish.  The false self is working overtime to win back control.

Our friends and family will usually offer false-self support.  Misery does love company in the illusion.  It might appear that the world doesn’t want our gifts or talents.  This phase can feel incredibly lonely.

When we step on the path to freedom, we meet all the beliefs we accepted in the past.  The road to hell is paved with beliefs — lack is a hot topic for the false self.  But we don’t get to return to heaven on earth without retracing all of our false steps.  We must refrain from trying to detour.  We keep letting go; and one day, our mind is free.  Abundance is the only possible reality.


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and