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Being Truly Good by Eliminating Good and Evil

Good vs. Good and Evil

Illusion Confusion

Good and evil rests at the core of the illusion.  Often it takes on a different form, like positive and negative; but ultimately, judging another as negative means that we’re seeing negativity as evil.  Good and evil was the way humans gave God an opponent to battle.  God originally represented our perfect True Self; therefore, the opponent of God is our OWN false self projected out into the world.  The final battle isn’t in the outer world.  It’s in our mind.  It’s initiation.

The confusion around good and evil causes so many problems.  People genuinely want to be good.  They really do.  There’s a reason for that; they were born good, and some part of their mind remembers their True Self.  We arrive with no opponent.  Good’s opposite arises when we accept another person’s notion of good — their rules or morals.  Rules tell us how to be good according to an outer system.  Rules deny the innate goodness of people.  That’s why most of my readers hate them.  Once we accept that being good is following outer rules even if they sound like the truth, we also now hold within the possibility of evil or badness if we disobey those outer rules.

We also have experts giving us rules for how to be healthy, how to be spiritual, how to be social, and how to be successful.  The result is that health, spirituality, social acceptance, and success have gotten harder — not easier.  We live in a bubble of experts determined to keep our natural wisdom and truth under wraps.  And often our truth is screaming in our mind, but we feel paralyzed if we try to speak it.  We’re so well trained to look outside for answers.

Fear of Judgment

When I first saw the illusion within myself, I felt like a backed-up sewage system.  I was no longer passing on my beliefs to others because I knew they were false.  But others didn’t stop demanding my obedience to their beliefs and rules.  This created a long and grueling awkward phase.  I couldn’t figure out how to escape this prison.

I could no longer obey their rules because I knew were false and limiting.  But disobedience resulted in judgment.  I hated being judged by those who still thought their rules were valid and good.  My discrimination felt worthless in a world where no one else was discriminating.  In fact, it seemed that my discrimination just got me into trouble with nearly everyone.

As we move toward freedom, we meet the same or similar experiences and feel the same emotions we felt and did not let go earlier in life.  We are slowly releasing beliefs.  The illusion shrinks each time we succeed in letting go until nothing is left.

Our fear of judgment probably came from the ancient act of cursing.  In earlier times, people believed that another person’s words or evil eye could take them down.  We all have a deep fear of other humans within us, especially if they are envious or angry.  The winners of the illusion play on this.  When we’re afraid, we’re easily controlled.

Many people adopt another belief like, “I don’t care what they think of me.”  Some work on their reputation and create a great looking mask.  Signs and symbols came out of the fear of expression, not truth.  We all have fear of beliefs and believers, which ultimately results from the foundation belief that the truth is less powerful than a belief system.  We think our love and truth is not enough in this world to keep us safe.  But if you let go enough, you’ll see that’s not true.

This all got worse with the positive thinking movement.  People said that words had power; and that’s true.  But most people’s words are not empowering; this only resurrected our fear of people, especially believers.

Psychological Reversal Again

The issue always comes back to the basic psychological reversal around emotions.  When people are sucked into the illusion, they think that something that feels bad IS true.  In the illusion, war, disease, poverty, and evil are all considered true and unavoidable — yet they all feel horrible.

When a resident of the illusion judges us, and it does feel bad to them, they don’t reject the thought; they act on it.  They want us to change, and often we do.  If we can’t beat them, we’ll join them.

I first came to understand this with my own children.  I’d notice something in them that I didn’t like — it looked very real AND I felt emotion.  If I mentioned it to them, they had no clue what I was talking about.  So I’d take responsibility and just let it go.  After awhile, I realized that I was seeing my own fears projected on them.  I let go from the masculine role until the problem I saw disappeared — it always did.  I did not make them responsible for my emotions.  Then I could see their perfection.

This is the sticking point of the illusion that traps us all.  Others think we’re causing their emotions with our disobedience.  They try to get their emotions to stop by changing their projection.  It doesn’t work EVER!  The projection isn’t the cause.

Now I understand what people were doing to me.  Being our True Self forces other people’s beliefs to surface; when this happens the false self goes into blame mode.  I used the feminine method of letting go in myself until I realized that they’re false thinking has no power to harm me.  If I stay in truth, and don’t judge them back, they back off.  In truth, beliefs only affect believers.  But rebelling against believers gets us stuck in their illusion.

Eventually, the concept of good and evil dies a natural death.  There’s no apocalypse, no buildings collapse — nothing physical needs to change.  The illusion was just a perspective.  Good and evil disappear; only true good remains as it was in the beginning.


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and