The True Self is Simple; Complexity is False but Interesting

Truth versus Lies (Beliefs)

By Cathy Eck

You Don’t Need to Learn the Truth,

You Only Need to Let Go of What Hides It

When I was in business nearly every day someone yelled, “KISS” (keep it simple stupid).  People in intellect-driven fields, like accounting and technology, often make something really simple into something very complex.  Complexity costs money.  Often it’s born from someone trying to prove their personal superiority at the expense of the team or company.

Those who could keep it simple were valuable.  They could move a team of diverse people though a project and get it done without problems.


Preachers and Teachers

I’m often reminded of this when I listen to intellectuals explain their view of consciousness.  They see sacred geometry, worm holes, and parallel universes.  It’s cool, and I love to read about their perspective.  I enjoy their lectures and love that they shared them with me.  But I see it as their perspective.

At one time, I’d accept other’s perspectives as THE truth, often because they were convinced that their perspective was the absolute truth.  I’d stuff their perspective into my already cluttered mind.  Later, I realized that their perspective wasn’t completely true.  Often cognitive dissonance traversed their broad canyons.  Most perspectives are a blend of true and false — that’s human perception.

Right-brained people see divine images of Gods and Goddesses or the cosmos; they hear channeled beings.  That’s all cool too; and it produces amazing art and stories.  But once again, if we turn it into THE truth versus their truth, we create confusion.  The truth that we all share, uniquely expressed, plus our beliefs create our life perspective (our reality).  I don’t dislike beliefs.  But, I abhor when someone makes their beliefs the truth.  That causes every problem in the world; it keeps people in prisons of misery.


KISS Equals Freedom

I learned from my business years.  I keep my ideals for this website lean and simple.  When our intellect isn’t engaged, letting go is easier.

First, I want everyone to have the ability to find their truth, their wisdom, and their creative genius inside.  That’s a human right.

Second, I want to expose beliefs that people have sold as the truth so that they no longer hurt people.

Third, I want to empower people to “JUST SAY NO” to other people’s beliefs if they don’t enhance their life.  I want people to know they can let go and how to do it.  That way, if they want to, they can clean up their mind and live their perfect life.


Simple Works

I offer simple analogies and techniques because when you tear open the mind, you find that it’s simple.  Learning and memorizing made our minds so damn complex.  If we feel emotion when we think something, it’s false.  How can anything be more simple than that?  It’s the false mind that added masculine/feminine, projection, and psychological reversal so that we’d get confused about what is true and what is false.  It’s the false mind that said that beliefs are true even though they feel bad.  When we add complexity to our mind by filling it with beliefs, we make ourselves rigid and ordinary.  We cover up our True Self.  Complexity breeds problems and then solves those same problems.

The processes that I suggest are simple, but don’t discount them.   We’re often afraid to let go of our knowledge because we think we’ll become grunting cavemen.  But that hasn’t been my experience at all.  Our false mind tells us that it’s giving us what can only come from our True Self.  Our false mind lies because it’s afraid of dying or being exposed.


Which is more beautiful?

Looking at a rose or reading the biological description of one.

Which is more loving?

Holding the person you love or studying their biological anatomy.

Which is more real?

The Army’s beliefs and emotions or the number of people and date that he killed them.

When we intellectualize something, we move away from the essence of it.  We become incapable of true love or being our authentic Selves.  Hurting others becomes easy.

That’s what society has done.  It’s tried to explain everything with logic.  In doing so, it has lost the simplicity, the beauty, and the love that’s natural.  We don’t need to know every line in a play; we just need to know our part.  But we’ll think we need to know and control everything if we can’t trust the other people on the stage.  We’ve become more knowledgeable and less trusting because knowledge can’t be trusted; it isn’t wisdom.

Knowledge is becoming worthless as it should be.  We’re living at a time when we can let computers store the facts and data, while we focus on being ourselves, being creators and innovators, or being true lovers.  People go to workshop after workshop to learn what’s true when they have a perfect discrimination system inside that they don’t use.  There are classes on how to hook our soul mate, but why?  If the soul has a mate, can’t it find the damn thing?   We see our True Self as weak.  Thanks religion.  We must realize how stupid we’ve become since we’ve accepted knowledge and let it go.

The intellect isn’t bad.  I’m still an intellectual person, but I know when to pull on the reigns and stop the horse from going the wrong way.  When a belief is hurting myself or another, I let it go.  When a belief has to be held together with duct tape to work, I let it go.  When a belief keeps me from a dream that feels peaceful and calm and right, I let it go.  When another demands me to think like them, I let them go.  It really is simple.

Beliefs can be fun and creative so long as we never forget that no matter how cool beliefs might be, they aren’t true.  And if they no longer serve our needs, we can let them go.


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and