By Cathy Eck
The Hidden Side of Pythagoras
People often tell me that the triangle process (above) is the best thing that I share, but I can’t take the credit for it. I give it all to Pythagoras.
I discovered the triangle process a long time ago when I was studying Pythagoras. He was much more than a mathematician. He was initiated into many mystery schools and eventually started his own. His understanding of numbers and geometry was far beyond their utility. He had what I refer to as the mental perspective of life. He saw through the eyes of the True Self.
There’s a quote attributed to Pythagoras that goes something like this: “Find two sides of a triangle, and you can solve any problem.” Now most people think that he was talking about solving a geometry problem, and I did too at first. But after studying and contemplating Pythagoras for a very long time, I saw a different perspective within his wise words. I saw the triangle process.
Pythagoras also said this: “If there be light, then there is darkness; if cold, heat; if height, depth; if solid, fluid; if hard, soft; if rough, smooth; if calm, tempest; if prosperity, adversity; if life, death.” He also said that we must win our soul back from good and evil. This was the purpose of the mystery schools — to win back your True Self from the illusory world of good and evil.
Let Thine Eye Be Single
Reading quotes by Pythagoras is much like reading quotes of Jesus. Their perspective was nearly identical; they simply expressed themselves in different ways. Jesus said, “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light” (Matthew 6:22). He was talking about seeing from the perspective of unity or the top of the triangle. This was an ancient mystery school teaching. When one reached the top of the pyramid, it was said that they could see like gods. This same concept is represented on the back of the American dollar bill; the Founding Fathers understood the power of the single or so-called third eye. It was a metaphor; it wasn’t a real thing. Of course, the occultists love to try to hijack such perfect metaphors by turning them into their symbols.

The Single Eye
On any topic, we can view our situation from dual eyes or from the single eye. Many associate the single eye with intuition; that wasn’t the original meaning. Intuition can be dual; where true single-eyed sight is always unified, more like inspiration.
The bottom of the triangle symbolizes duality. Originally, duality was simply for creative purposes. You can see these black words because they are on a white page. Neither the white page nor the black words are evil or bad. They’re creative raw materials. This was called first-cause duality.
Good and evil, win and lose, dominance and submission, rich and poor, pretty and ugly, etc., were all later inventions. These dual pairs contained judgment; judgment is what causes us to lose our single-eye sight, to fall. This was referred to as second-cause duality. We feel incomplete when we accept only one half of duality; we end up with a magnetic relationship with the other half.
The secret of the initiates was that you had to let go of the good and the evil to rise to the top. Otherwise, your mind stayed stuck in the illusory world. Religions then made this stickiness into karma, the fall, reincarnation, purgatory, or hell, which were all poor explanations for why holding a belief in good and evil made your life miserable.
If we let go of our duality-based point of view at the bottom of the triangle, we float to the top naturally. But we have to let go of the good and the evil side, the right and the wrong side. Then we look through the single eye at the top of the triangle, and we see the true world.
After letting go, we might view the world as beautiful; before we saw a world where things were either pretty or ugly. After letting go, we hold a perspective of unconditional love; before, we saw conditional love or hate. We can live in abundance or waver between rich and poor. We can relate to each other in a win-win manner or in win-lose ways.
What lives at the top of the triangle has no opposite. Our True Self has that point of view. When we drop our false perspective, the True Self is what remains.

Projection from the Bottom
Fear is the fuel that keeps the bottom of the triangle (the illusion) alive. When we withhold the fuel, the fire of the illusion dies out.
We know we’re at the top of the triangle when our sight is pure, and we no longer create opponents to battle or needy people to save. We have to recognize that the ideas at the bottom of the triangle were created by man’s false mind. They’re not the truth. The truth has no opposition.
That which is dual and divided with judgment is simply false; and false has no power except that which we give it. When we recognize that beliefs are false within our own mind, they begin to lose power. When we absolutely know they are false (as Jesus and Pythagoras did), they disappear from our vision. Our eye becomes single.
Click here to for a similar article on the tree of life versus the tree of good and evil.
photo credit: grinwithoutacat via photopin cc
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