Exposing the Hidden Shadow of the New Age

Positive and Grateful

By Cathy Eck


New Age Trap

The New Age is a particularly sneaky illusion trap because it looks like the path to the True Self.  We force our mind to get positive, and positive is a quality of the True Self.  We use our will to manifest what we want; and being a creator is a True Self quality.  We gain a quiet mind through meditation; and the True Self’s mind is quiet.  We start to succeed and win; and the True Self never does anything that isn’t win-win.

But sadly, the New Age (and self-help movement) is actually like putting ice cream on top of manure.  You see, you were born positive, grateful, with the ability to create everything you wanted, and with a peaceful and quiet mind.  If you feel you need to create those things, it’s because you believe you aren’t those qualities.  So when you put that positive ice cream on top of the negative manure, you get a shit sunday.

Every New Age or self-help technique is about fixing effects.  The false self created the New Age and self-help movements because they keep us seeking for another lifetime or more.  So let’s look under the rug and expose some of the most popular New Age (self-help) techniques.



This is an easy one.  If you need to say, “I am rich,” you clearly believe you’re poor.   The affirmation is an attempt to fix the bottom of the triangle by switching to the winning side.  In fact, the affirmation causes projection of the poor side of the bottom of the triangle on to others.  And that projection eventually comes back to you like a boomerang.  This is probably where the notion of karma came from.

Affirmations are always fixing the effect; not the cause.  But if you look under the affirmation, you can find the causal belief with ease.

Let me tell you how this probably started.  Someone accidentally got positive one day (accidentally let go), and they noticed that everything repaired itself.  So they made it into a process.  But that doesn’t work.  Positive on top of manure is a shit sunday.  Remove the negative manure and you’ve got a clean plate.



Did you know that the person who wrote the book on the gratitude journal went bankrupt after making millions on her book?  Her own gigantic lack-of-gratitude projection came back to collect payment.  Our projections all come back in time.  The truth is that gratitude is natural; it’s not a process.  Our True Self is always grateful.  It doesn’t have to say it; it exudes it.  If you think you have to express gratitude; you’ve accepted the shadow message that you aren’t grateful, probably because you read her book or listened to Oprah.


Vision Board

There are now apps for making your vision board.  This probably got started because someone felt artistic and started making a picture of their desires.  They loved the picture and then watched as the image became reality.  Their vision board became real because they were connected to their True Self.

But that isn’t what happens for most because they put stuff on the board that they just happen to want or like.  It seems everyone puts Oprah on there these days.  Others put cars, houses, spouses, children, and places they want to go.  They behave like they are placing orders.

The things we really want can’t be visualized.  In truth, we want freedom, creativity, joy, peace, and unconditional love.  Try putting those on a vision board; you have to downgrade the feeling to words.  But if you find your True Self by letting go, you’ll create a perfect life that you love without visualizing it first.   The vision board is simply backwards creating, and it solidifies the horrible belief that you have to work hard and use your will to get what you want.



Why do people meditate?  They want a quiet mind.  I can assure you that when we let go our mind gets quiet and calm.  But letting go creates a virgin mind that is free and creative.  Meditators don’t generally let go of their beliefs unless they do something like what I call western meditation; they usually suppress or project their unwanted beliefs and thoughts on to others.  They teach their minds how to ignore their thoughts and emotions.  Those thoughts have to go somewhere; they usually go onto others who are feminine to them.

Meditation was born in countries that played the feminine aspect of the world.  While the western world was creating dual false thought and keeping the winning side, the eastern world was getting the west’s shadow projection.   Easterners, used meditation to rise above the western projections.

Floating above one’s mind became enlightenment.  Good meditators floated high above their minds and became gurus while the rest of the people in those countries literally lived in the guru’s projected shit.  Shit does flow downhill.  Now the easterners are all trying to think like westerners, and we’re meditating because our shit is coming back at us.


You can always expose a false process by taking it to the extreme.  Imagine if you couldn’t get anything unless you affirmed or visualized it.  At some point, you’d make breathing, eating, and walking extremely hard.  Your belief in the process would kill you.  The goal of the false self is death.  The word evil (death) is live spelled backwards.

When you find yourself with the urge to affirm, draw a vision board, put a crystal up your butt, or call in the angels, ask yourself “Why am I doing this?”  Then just let go of the answer and save yourself the time, energy, and money.

We already are what we strive to be; and when we let go of our beliefs, we see our natural perfection.  No one needs to know the truth; we already know it.  We only need to let go of the beliefs that cover up the truth — then we’re free.




Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on https://nolabelsnolies.com and http://gatewaytogold.com.