Why You Don’t Want to Do Emotional Release Techniques

Being robotic is not human.

By Cathy Eck 

Beliefs don’t make you human; they make you a fucking robot.  Letting go of them makes you human.  But without emotions, you won’t know what to let go.


Pleeeaaase, Just Solve My Problems

When we are stuck in the illusion, we’re always looking for solutions to problems.  When someone comes along with something that appears to solve the problem at hand, we’ll try it.  We just want relief.

Most people think they want relief from their emotions, pain, or diseases.  They actually want relief from their beliefs.

Emotions are more taboo than ever.  Doctors blame emotions for diseases.  Religion blames emotions for non-believers’ inability to see their ridiculous logic (thank God).  Parents tell their kids not to emote; and husbands call their wives crazy for being emotional.  There is a giant conspiracy to rid the world of emotions.  Many medicate, meditate, or drink to create a facade of calmness while projecting their emotions out into the world.  They tell us that the world they see is real; it isn’t.  It is their illusion — the sum total of their beliefs.

Unless people free their mind of beliefs, they project an illusory world.  When we don’t know this, we think the illusion they see is real.  Then we believe them, and get stuck in their drama.  We all did this as children.  We entered the Land of Make Believe that our ancestors gave us.


Emotions Have a Purpose

People are naturally calm; emotions arise for two reasons.  Either we are thinking a belief that is not true, but we previously accepted as true; or we just believed a lie or belief from another.  Most of our emotions come from listening to people who don’t know their ass from a hole in the wall; but they are convincing, so we believe them.

To get rid of these dreaded emotions, techniques were invented.  You can now tap, clap, speak in tongues, breath, smash a pillow with a baseball bat, or fart three times while whistling Dixie to rid yourself of emotions.  It works more like hypnosis than true healing.  Often you get rid of one fear and a new one arises.  You get rid of the pain in your knee and your elbow hurts.  The cause is always a belief; and these techniques don’t address the belief.  They shoot the messenger.

Emotional release techniques are like covering up your car’s gas gauge so that you discover you’re out of gas when your car stops.  If we get rid of our emotions, we can no longer discriminate between true and false.

The techniques do sometimes work by accident.  Occasionally, while doing the technique, you think, “Now that was stupid, Why did I believe that?”  You see the causal thought, and you let go.  But you don’t need to tap or fart to get that result.


My Confession

For years, I did EFT, various forms of kinesiology, and the granddaddy of them all, the Sedona Method/Abundance Course.  People kept telling me that this would fix my emotions, but no one told me my emotions were fine.  I noticed that people who did these techniques were lifetime students.  They didn’t really get better, they just moved their problems around and projected them on to others.  They got spiritual, but not free.

After years of trying to get rid of my emotions, I went to a retreat where several people said they were free.  They looked like fucking robots.  They had gotten rid of their emotions and completely chased away their Goddess.  They weren’t human anymore.  That was the end of emotional release for me.  I now understood that the goal is not to get rid of our emotions; it is to use them the way God designed them.  That is what gets us free.

I was trying and trying to fix my emotions.  However, my emotions were doing exactly what they were designed to do.  I was married to someone with boatloads of beliefs; he spent his life convincing me to think like him.  When he spoke the beliefs, my emotions simply shouted, “Don’t listen to him.”  They were doing their job perfectly.  His emotions didn’t work because he’d chased away his Goddess decades earlier.  Consequently, he couldn’t discriminate.  I was simply a lie detector that was running constantly.

My hand was resting on a hot stove, and I kept thinking there was something wrong with me.  I could not see that picking up my hand was all I needed to do.  That is when I realized the bigger problem.  I wasn’t the only one with my hand on the stove, and I had to let others know that there is nothing wrong with their emotions either.  Our emotions go off because it is their job to signal beliefs.


Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

We live in a world of lies and believers, they look wrong to a Goddess (or God).  Women would say during the election, I feel so emotional when I listen to Mitt Romney.  He was a belief machine — a robot.  But we were trained to obey authority, to not argue with elders, and never question those in power; we obey and elect people who really don’t deserve to clean our shoes.

We don’t have the right to ask the world to change, and we don’t have to.  We must know ourselves.  If our emotions scream, we listen to our Goddess, follow her, and take out the belief in our mind that caused our reaction.  We can stop believing lies we hear from others.  When we do this consistently, we contribute to a truthful world.  We respect the truthful people, and ignore the rest.  Liars quit lying when it doesn’t serve them.  The world is not in a battle of good and evil; it is in a battle of true and false.  When we honor the truth, it will set us all free.


Click here for the Esoteric Wisdom Behind Why People Lie.
photo credit: B.Romain via photopin cc


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on https://nolabelsnolies.com and http://gatewaytogold.com.