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Initiates Are Not Followers or Seekers

Leaders and followers

The “One”

Followers and seekers of truth often write to me to ask me to confirm that their guru, teacher, preacher, or motivational speaker is the “One.”  I get lots of videos and book suggestions.  You only have to watch five minutes or read the first chapter to find the beliefs.  False leaders usually have good intentions.  They truly believe they’re helping others, but they create confusion in their followers because they don’t understand the True and false self (the term soul combined the two), they’re confused by masculine and feminine roles, or they’re still stuck in some version of good and evil.  They’re trying to fix the illusion (false self), not let it go.

I don’t like receiving those emails because I can’t give the writer the answer that they want to hear.  Invariably their guru/teacher/preacher is a very strong voice in their mind.  Often they fear letting that voice go.

I suspect they hope that I can resolve the dissonance in their mind.  I can’t, and I know that.  In fact, I can only make their dissonance worse.   If they want freedom, I’ll point them in the right direction.  If they want to prove their false leader is right, they’ll try to get me to follow him or her.

The unacknowledged desire of all false selves is to be more powerful than the True Self so it will submit.  As we listen to our past leaders’ voices within, we’ll find that motive; if we let that false-self motive go, our True Self can discriminate again.  Every false leader gives beliefs to their followers; beliefs are only knowledge, not wisdom.

The journey of initiation requires only one belief — you can let all beliefs go by knowing they’re false.  You’ll then discover everything else in your own perfect way.


Leaders and Followers

Following is natural only because we’re born helpless.  We have no choice but to assume the feminine role as a child.

Followers are playing a false feminine role; the other side of the bottom of the triangle is the leader.  Our false mind tricks us by taking the false leader and putting them at the top of the triangle, replacing our True Self.  Followers only need one core belief to keep them stuck in their role — that they don’t have the answers they need — the answer is outside of them; someone else has it.  This causes them to run to experts of all kinds, but the most insidious is the spiritual expert.  We’re born spiritual.  We don’t need to learn spirituality or the truth.  We only need to learn practical knowledge for an earthly skill — like how to type or read.

Followers’ or seekers’ lives turn into mysteries that can’t be solved.   The True Self, what they’re searching for, doesn’t have a role in the illusion.  At best, they can find a clone of a True Self.  People do project their True Self on leaders and teachers; false ones take it and run with it.  They don’t like to give it back; this can make letting go hard.  I don’t like when someone attempts to project their True Self on me; I feel like they’re trying to get me to validate their false self.  Once projected, the True Self becomes false — it’s actually annoying.  I’m only serving a small leadership role in the illusion as the tour guide.  I know the holes and dangerous beasts lurking in the bushes.  Nothing I offer is spiritual — but it’s really practical.

What we’re looking for in another (guru/teacher) or an object (Holy Grail/Ark of the Covenant) or a place (Shambala/ Atlantis) is our seemingly lost True Self.   We come to think this mystery is our life purpose — we all love a good story.  But our True Self gets anxious; it came here to create, not play “Hide and Go Seek.”

Leaders and teachers who tell followers what to think are everywhere.  We project our healing power on to healers and doctors.  Some people talk to aliens, angels, or ancestors to get what sounds like truth.  Some go to psychics or astrologers.   Some go on vision quests or long journeys.  Some join cults or brotherhoods.  And some use the old standby, religion.  A huge New Age business has developed around the sale of crystals and other “spiritual” paraphenalia.  Drugs are the gateway for many that appear to provide a glimpse of the True Self.  Sex addictions exist because the human orgasm stops the mind temporarily.  Practices are said to get us to God.  We’re looking for anything that rings true; and when we hear even a few true words or feel a moment of peace, we hold on to that person or thing.  This only makes it more difficult for us to find the real truth we so desperately desire.  We fear letting the false teacher or thing go because we believe it’s all we have.  But, it’s just our false self bullshitting us again.


Jesus warned people of false teachers, but the words that really spoke to me were Plato’s words from “Critias” about the destruction of Atlantis. My clarifications are in brackets. “…But when the divine portion [of man’s mind] began to fade away, and became diluted too often and too much with the mortal admixture [the ingredients of the false self], and the human nature got the upper hand, they then [leaders], being unable to bear their fortune [too big for their own britches], behaved unseemly; and to him who had an eye to see grew visibly debased, for they were losing the fairest of their precious gifts; but to those who had no eye to see the true happiness [those fucking believers again], they [false leaders] appeared glorious and blessed at the very time when they were full of avarice and unrighteous power.”  His words still apply today; nothing much has changed.  As you let go, you can see the false power — the ice cream coating melts.  All that’s left is a big pile of manure.


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and