Mental Healing Using the Law of Cause and Effect

The Law of Cause and Effect Explained

By Cathy Eck

The Law of Cause and Effect Was Lost

My work is usually the last resort for people.  When traditional problem solving methods don’t work, the ideas of the ancient world start to look attractive.  In truth, it should be the other way around.  The ancient teachings should the first resort because we have nothing to lose by trying them.

Humans have been tragically programmed to fix the effect of problems.  The law of cause and effect has been buried in the sands of time. I first discovered the law of cause and effect as an entrepreneur designing computer systems.  The diagram above demonstrates the typical flow of information through the computer.  It seemed obvious to me that fixing a computer system required repairing the input first and the processes second.  It seemed utterly stupid to fix the effects.  Yet company after company wasted unbelievable sums of money fixing effects.  When I appeared and fixed the input, people acted like I just walked on water; I saved them huge sums of money.  I simply applied the law of cause and effect.


Healing with the Law of Cause and Effect

Let’s apply the law of cause and effect to repairing our bodies.  Lets say that a woman has a serious rash on her arm.  A doctor would prescribe something to fix the rash, a cream or pill; medicine fixes the effect.  The doctor might ask, “How did you get the rash?”  The information they obtain might lead to a better diagnosis or a more natural cure.

Asking how supplies a physical cause, but the law of cause and effect demands that we find the mental cause.  The ancients said that in the law of cause and effect, all is mental.

The law of cause and effect works best with why questions.  “Why did you get the rash?”  This question leads our subject backward in time.  Her first answers might be superficial like, “I needed to weed the garden.”  If she lets the superficial answers go without ruminating about them, she will find a deeper layer.  “I needed to get out of the house.  I wanted to find peace of mind.”  And if she goes deeper, she finds:  “I need to get out of this marriage.  My skin crawls when I’m with my husband.”  Now some might say that she’s found the cause.  Our subject needs to leave her marriage.  We’ve moved from effect to the program or action (the center of our diagram above), but we are not yet at the mental cause.


Following the Why

So we keep going and shift the question, “Why does he make your skin crawl?”  This is the perfect shifting question because of the reference to skin.  “He looks at me like all he wants is sex.  He acts like I’m there to serve him.”  The conversation is still about him and what he does, so we need another why question to turn the corner and get back to the real cause, which is always in our own mind.  We are not milking the law of cause and effect for all it is worth until we are at our own mental cause.

“Why does his look bother you?”  “I feel like my only value is to please him. I feel unloved for who I am.  I can’t say no.  I can’t get him to understand how I feel.”  The answers point to a superficial relationship, a perfect metaphor.  A skin rash has a superficial appearance of something much deeper.

Now that she has found a mental cause, she can look for why she has those beliefs.  They all feel bad; so none of them are true.  She can ask, “Why do I feel unloved for who I am?  Why can’t I say no?”  She might remember a past memory, or another belief might pop up.  The key is to keep asking why like a treasure hunter looking for the chest of gold.  You know you’ve found the gold when you see how you created the situation, and you realize that it was all an illusion, a mental construct.


Don’t Wallow in the Answers 

The reason people don’t find the cause is that they get emotionally caught up in the answers.  They stop the hunt too soon.  We must remember that the emotions we feel remind us that we are following a chain of lies.  When we think false beliefs or thoughts, we get emotions.  As we let go of the beliefs, the emotions dissolve.  When we let go of the cause, the emotions will completely disappear because  they are no longer necessary.

If our subject blames her husband, she won’t go any deeper.  She will never find the cause.  She’ll want to talk about her victim status and about her husband’s asinine behavior.  She must we willing to let go at each level and keep following the chain of beliefs.

When she finds the mental cause, she must let it go too.  If it is truly the cause of the relationship issue and the skin rash, then all the problems in that chain will start to repair themselves.  Her husband might change, or he might ask for an amicable divorce.  Her body’s natural healing mechanism will kick in, and her rash will start to disappear.  She might notice that she finally feels loved and heard.  The results will be that which is best for all concerned.  Letting go puts us back on our true path.

In the ancient world, this was true healing. It was permanent healing that never needed to be repeated.  Best of all, anyone can do it.  It works for all sorts of problems.  It costs nothing.  According to the ancients, when you use the law of cause and effect, nothing is incurable or impossible.


Click here for more on the Law of Cause and Effect. 





Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and