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I Don’t Know What I (They) Believe?

What Do I Believe?

People often say to me, “I don’t know what I believe.”  They also say, “I don’t have any beliefs.”  These two comments are the main reason the illusion thrives.

The fact that our thoughts and beliefs create our reality was hidden for a very long time.  During that time, people accepted all kinds of beliefs as explanations for how life worked.  In more recent times, it became known that our thoughts do create our reality; but we simply put that truth on top of our already accepted beliefs.  People try to consciously control their mind to get what they want.  Sometimes they think one thing and say another; that causes projection, which causes relationship hell.  Or they say something they don’t like, and then say, “I don’t believe that,” or “Cancel.”  

If we really don’t believe something, we won’t think it or say it.  We don’t have to cancel our words.  In fact, as we move toward freedom, we find it impossible to be incongruent.  Our thoughts, words, and actions will all line up.  Then we often realize that we still have beliefs that people don’t like when we speak truthfully.  We have to let those beliefs go too.

Who’s Creating Our Life?

People of all religions say,  “When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade,”  Even atheists say it.  But no one asks a very important question, “Who in the hell is life?”  “Who gave us those fucking lemons?”  A religious person might say, “God tempted us;” a New Ager might say, “The universe taught us a lesson.”  But the comment implies that we didn’t create our life.  We aren’t free if we don’t create our life.  We’re Life’s slaves.

If we’ve accepted complete responsibility for our lemons, we’d say, “I gave myself lemons, so I made lemonade.”  But no one says that.  One of the best ways to find beliefs about anything is to find out why we say what we say.

When someone dies, we say: “Now they’re in a better place.”  Really!  We don’t know that.  What we know is that their body is in the ground or an urn.  We don’t have a clue where their mind/spirit went.  If we think/speak that belief, we believe something like earth ain’t so great.  We can’t get beyond suffering unless we die.

Now people will say to me, “I don’t really believe that shit.  I just said that because I wanted them to feel better.”  You’re trapped.  First of all, you’re taking responsibility for their emotions; their emotions are caused by their thinking.  If you say what another wants to hear, you’re putting them in the masculine role.  You’re giving them power to create in your life because what they want to hear is more important than what you want to say.

Our social protocol is carefully designed to make sure that we have no power over Life.  Listen to what you say, and you’ll uncover hidden beliefs.  Listen to what others say, and you’ll discover what they believe.  The mystery drains from Life real quick.

Why Did I Say That?

If we’ve had religious or self-help training, we often train our mind to be quiet or to say the right things.  But trained quiet isn’t real quiet.   Being trained to say the right things might be automatic, but it’s not authentic.  It’s the effect of being highly socialized.  The highly socialized no longer speak what they believe or think; they speak what they believe others want to hear.  Some people have told me that they actually put their attention so completely in other people’s minds that they know what that person wants to hear.  They’re proud of this when they should feel horrible.  I suspect that it’s what most psychics do, but they don’t realize they’re doing it.  Quite honestly, we don’t have any business in another person’s mind.

Letting go of our fake social beliefs is very important.  We’re then admitting that our True Self is what belongs in society.  What doesn’t belong are social customs designed to make everyone alike and predictable.

The highly socialized do what is politically correct even if they resent it.  Their Universe or God or Life isn’t some supernatural being although they’ll say they’re trying to please God.  Their false God is actually everyone they’re trying to please — a whole shitload of human beings.  They live life as if everyone is God and they’re no one…a slave trying to please humanity.

Waking up requires us to realize that what humans want from us is not what God wants from us.  We don’t know what God wants from us unless we’re living from our True Self; we only know what others have said God wants from us.  They say that God rewards and punishes…nope, people do that.  They say God judges; no, people do.  The biggest trap is created by people who tell us that God wants what actually fulfills their needs and desires while simultaneously keeping us small and submissive.  This doesn’t just happen in big business, big religions, or government, it happens in families.

Fake Gratitude

When I was an entrepreneur, I felt thankful for the business that came my way.  I told my clients, not God, what they meant to me.  My words came from within; they were authentic.  Today, I bank at Wells Fargo; they train their employees to pretend gratitude.  It never feels good.  My son and I will do anything to avoid having to talk to a teller.  But most people don’t feel so they think the person means what they say.  Robots applaud other robots.

The reason that our false self says or does anything is because it was taught to do it.  It’s a robot.  When we take the memory out of a robot, we get nothing.  When we take the robotic memory out of a person, we get the truth…an authentic human being.


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and