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You Can’t Buy True Freedom with Money

  • Post category:Abundance

“True freedom is doing what you want, when you want and with whom you want to do it with.” 

I didn’t write the above quote.  Tony Robbins wrote it, who is all about money and following excitement.  He isn’t living or offering true freedom.  But he uses that quote as if he is.

This is level confusion at it’s best.  Level confusion happens when people make statements from within the illusion that are true only at the True Self level (outside the illusion).  If people did whatever they wanted within the illusion, things could get really bad.  Beliefs dramatically distort what we want.  That’s why the illusion has rules.  Only beliefs can create a rapist, serial killer, or thief.  They would all agree that’s a damn good quote.

If our minds are pure, we’ll live as he described.  Our doing flows naturally from our pure mind, not beliefs.  We won’t do anything that isn’t win-win.  Abundance is a bi-product of such thinking.  We get what truly belongs to us.  We charge what feels right, not what the market will bear.

I watched Tony Robbins on the Oprah channel about a year ago.  He was a ball of over-the-top excitement.  Following excitement is always bad news.  Even Oprah was jumping up and down screaming his affirmations, and she’s a fucking billionaire.

Level Confusion and God

Oprah, award show winners, and mega-preachers all say , “I’ve gotten all of this from God.”  More level confusion.  Oprah, for example, is gifted in her ability to interview people.  But her billions came from advertisers, marketing, and the “O” brand.  Viewers paid her with their time watching tons of ads instead of programming.  Her billions came from keeping more for herself than those who worked for her.  It came from taking risks and winning.  She plays the illusory game very well.  And I have no problem with the illusion as a game.  But don’t call winning the illusory game God’s plan or God’s will.  That’s lying.

The same thing happens when people say “God told me this or I channeled this from spirit.”  We fall for the trap thinking that their words are better than the words that we think.  I know that when people listen to their OWN True Self all the time, every problem on this planet will disappear.  I can’t wait.

The Reality

The reality is that we get money (even donations) from other people, not God.  So we have to really look for the highest level of equality and fairness.  We all want to get paid for offering our True Self expressed in products and services.  We don’t want a handout.  It looks like the illusion’s winners are doing this until you put freedom as the goal.  Then you see that most products and services hold people hostage or offer comfort for the zoo animals so they won’t try to escape.

An economy is part of an illusion that has a certain amount of money within it.  It’s not unlimited.  Abundance is thrown around by leveled-confused teachers, but it doesn’t exist within the illusion.  The illusion is all about limitation; those who get more than their share of that limitation win at the expense of others who lose.

Like the koala above, we lose our abundance when we get caged in the illusory zoo.  When others seem to take care of our needs, we give up abundance, freedom, and life itself.  The best example is the monastery.  We think monks are holy people, but they’re just cared for people.  They give up freedom of thought for a room and a couple of meals a day.  Most of the world takes jobs they don’t love; the zoo looks attractive because they fear they won’t find any eucalyptus leaves on their own.  That’s just not true; but if we believe it, it becomes our reality.

The Teachers

Speaking the truth at the false self level of reality is false.  It has no power at the wrong level of reality.  That’s why I expose the false and let you figure out your truth.

Let’s get real!  If you need to keep your gratitude journal, what are you?  Ungrateful.  If you need to focus on the positive, what are you?  Negative.  If you need to preach about abundance, you’re poverty in a great wrapper (or rapper if you are Yeezus!)  The True Self is already positive, grateful, and abundantly wired.  False masculine leaders teach us how to fix our false self to make it a True Self clone like them.  A True Self clone has a God complex and is admired in the illusion; but it’s unlikely to ever get free.  They’re trapped too; they just live in a nicer habitat.

These super false selves are so psychologically reversed that we can’t see their error.   We believe they’re True Selves.  That’s the problem.

They should feel emotion when speaking beliefs, but they don’t.  They think their beliefs are golden truth.  When we receive their projected words, we feel emotion like that excited Tony Robbins audience; but we don’t let go or walk away because we also get their psychological reversal.  We come to believe that they spoke the truth; after all, they’re successful.  We accept their projection and send them a check.

When we encounter beliefs that have been given to us by someone we once labeled good, nice, or enlightened, we generally feel emotions that we might label guilt, shame, or rebelliousness for letting go.  Our mind can think that we’re letting go of the truth.  That keeps us stuck.  We feel like we must hold on to the beliefs in case we need them later on.  And this brings us back to one of the biggest tricks of the illusion.  It tells us that it will give us what we can only get by letting go.  So just let go of these teachers, preachers, and leaders and their inspiring quotes; and you’ll find your own natural inspiration much more quickly.


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and