A few months ago, I brought up the Three-Steps for letting go on Facebook, and several people asked if I’d explain the Steps in a free article. The Three Steps are what we do naturally to keep our mind free and clear. But what was natural has been lost. We don’t use our minds as they were originally designed. We have to let go in order to remember our natural abilities. In initiation, we use techniques that are a lot like priming a pump. Once the pump is primed, the water just flows.
The Objective
Most everyone gets stuck in Step One. Some people get stuck in Step Two because their mind tends to judge and compare. People pleasers of all varieties tend to get stuck in Step 2.5; they soothe their minds and everyone else’s mind too. The objective is to get to Step Three (unconditional love) on any, and every, topic. That’s our natural state. That’s the place where our True Self leads the way.
Our mind is really quite simple. Our True Self is pure and perfect. We’re all connected at the True Self level. When we lead from our True Self, we think, say, and do things which are win-win for all without having to think about it. We call that first-cause creation.
Our false mind is actually an individual mental container that is meant to serve the True Self. When we fall into second-cause thinking, our false mind holds our beliefs, unnecessary knowledge, and memories. That clogs up our container; it gets in the way of our natural creativity.
Our mental container should not be connected to any other person’s container. We don’t want a false-self connection with any other. Most people have false-self connections with individuals, family, groups, and even the collective mind. That’s why they feel so out-of-control (stuck in Step One). Such people gain false control by deciding that their beliefs are true. That causes them to be stuck in Step Two.
Letting go is meant to be easy; the voices in our mind want to make it hard. That’s because those voices want to remain in power. I call those domineering voices “clones.” Clone voices in our mind pretend to be God or our own True Self. As we let go, we realize that these voices are just recordings.
Physical to Mental
The Three Steps are designed to get you from the physical level of perception, through the false mental level, and all the way to the True Self, or Step Three. Step Three is where letting go becomes easy. Tackle your most difficult memories, and your most rigid clone voices, when you get that sweet, True Self clarity. Dive right into another subject when you get to Step Three. Too often people take a break when they’re in that golden zone.
When you aren’t in that golden zone, letting go seems hard. You’re most likely trying to let go from a clone character in your mind, and that character doesn’t want to let go. It wants to rule over you. Such voices will often go through the motions of letting go. They’ll talk about it; they’ll become experts in it. But they won’t actually let go. Reading about letting go isn’t letting go. It doesn’t even get you a hair closer to freedom.
Here’s a trick that I used when I would get stuck. I’d let go on some topic that didn’t matter much to me. I would turn on the news and find someone in trouble. Or I’d think about a friend that was having a problem, and I’d let go for them. That would get me to Step Three; then I’d go to work on the issue that seemed impossible to let go while I was in that golden zone.
When you get to Step Three, you have the big picture. You can discriminate easily. You see the causal beliefs that are keeping you stuck, and you know they are false.
The Three Steps contain no useless steps, unlike the Twelve Steps. You must at least pass through each step on the way to the next step. In order to help you see this, I’ve created a clone diagram (shown below). This diagram is not our natural state. It’s what the typical mind looks like within the illusion. In the end, the clone’s voice disappears. The True Self takes the lead and becomes the main circle, and the false self works for the True Self in first-cause creation.
Let’s Begin
You might want to choose an easy topic and work on that topic while you read these Steps. I always recommend that people let go while reading my articles. I expose beliefs and make it easier to let them go. You want let go in your pajamas with a hot chocolate instead of needing to let go on the freeway in rush-hour traffic.
Step One
In Step One, you’re completely in the feminine mentally, and you probably have a feminine physical role. You feel a lot of emotion, and you probably feel quite powerless; the cause appears to be coming from someone else…the person who’s playing the physical masculine role in reality.
We’re all thrown into Step One as children, and we feel helpless to do anything about that. We can’t usually defend ourselves as children. So we just accept what the person in authority says in order to avoid punishment or get rewards. During childhood, we populated our false self with beliefs, rules, and memories. We all got stuck in the muddy waters of Step One. Our parents’ voices became recordings in our mind during childhood. We forget to let those voices go when we become independent adults. So we have big bodies but child-like minds. We don’t mature mentally.
Every second-cause belief that we accepted in Step One has an associated emotion. If a belief comes into our mind and we feel emotion, that belief is false. But in Step One, we feel the strong emotion, but we can’t find the causal belief. It feels like the effect is in our body and mind, and the belief is in the authority’s mind. We don’t believe that we can change the authority’s mind. Therefore, we fix effects, wallow in our emotions, soothe ourselves, or think endlessly about our problem. None of those common activities are letting go. None of them improve the quality of our mental container.
When we’re in Step One, we must let go from the feminine. So we lightly put our attention on pain, emotions, or symptoms in our body. We use OUR body to help us find the beliefs to let go in Step One. Then we listen for beliefs to arise. We let go of every belief that arises.
Our job is to notice that every belief we hear while focusing on the discomfort in our body is false and let it go. Now if you were in Step Three, that would be easy and automatic. But you aren’t in Step Three, so you have to drive your mental vehicle manually. The beliefs look true, but you have to recognize that the discomfort in your body is telling you that the beliefs are false.
You might also be in Step One when talking to another. Suddenly, you feel a lot of emotion when they say something. You’re feminine to them, either because they have authority or because you’re listening (listening is receptive or feminine even for a man). The emotion means that you’re accepting whatever they’re saying as true. Today, this is particularly common because people hold beliefs in telepathy, intuition, empathy, sympathy, etc. Those beliefs (or reasons) are all designed to keep us stuck in the illusion. They’re not win-win, which brings us to Step Two.
Step Two
In this step, you might have the masculine role in the physical illusion or not. Either way, you’re thinking from the masculine aspect of your mind, where beliefs and knowledge are stored. We might say that you are in your intellect, or some might say ego. I don’t use that term much. You might feel like you’re creating your life, but you’re doing it from the false-mental level, not the True Self. In Step Two, your OWN thoughts are creating your emotions. These thoughts are not original; they’re learned from others who declared them to be true. They’re not win-win for all.
As children, we felt emotion when authority figures dominated us. If the emotion got to be too strong, we psychologically reversed our mind to accept the beliefs of that authority as true. We put that person’s voice in our mind as a clone character. Then we started to honor that clone’s voice as our voice, or our false God.
We’re now stuck in that person’s illusion. We no longer feel emotional when that voice speaks. To escape, we need to eliminate that false authority from our mind by letting go of false beliefs. Since we don’t feel emotions, like we do in Step One, we use the win-win test.
When we are stuck in Step Two, we project the opposite belief on to others. Our thoughts in Step Two might be quite positive or good, but we see an opposite projected on others that’s negative or bad. This destroys our relationships. We’re judging another who we view as somehow inferior to us. We think that they should think or be like us. But they can’t be like us; we’re projecting the opposite on them.
In Step Two, we want others to change. Experts like lawyers, social activists, doctors, healers, teachers, preachers, psychologists, etc., live in Step Two; their careers are about fixing others. If experts used their career to let go of their beliefs from Step Two, they would one day move out of that career into something inspired from their True Self.
In Step Two, we use the win-win test. We can also use the triangle process. Any thought that isn’t win-win is declared false, even if the whole world thinks it’s true. This is hard to do if you have strong false-self connections with others. It’s also hard to do if you think that others are what you project on them. So Step Two can take some practice. It begs us to have some compassion for ourselves and others.
Step Two can feel like a waste of time at first. If you feel that way, then your North Star (where you want to go) isn’t set on freedom. You’re wanting to win and the other lose, wanting to be right, or wanting to dominate or control the other person. People say, “Why should I let go for them? They were mean to me.” We’re letting go of what’s in our mind about them; we’re relieving them of our projection. But we’re also cleaning out our individual mental container.
Jesus said, “Judge not.” People thought that was because he was spiritual. Nope! Jesus was a very practical man; he understood Step Two. If you’re stuck in judgment, even if it was justified, you can’t get to Step Three.
Often we confuse judgment with discrimination. Discrimination is based on true and false. Let’s say that someone says, “Your ugly.” You feel emotion because that’s false. You let their comment go in Step One. Then you let go of any tendency to judge them back in Step Two.
Many people have gotten a whole lot of freedom just by doing Step Two. I did it with win-win. Lester Levinson and Vernon Howard used only Step Two to gain their freedom. Neither of them had any clue how to let go from the feminine. So don’t ignore Step Two. It’s powerful.
Step Two is about sharpening our discrimination. Imposing our beliefs on another is a form of judging. Judging blows our chance at freedom. If we have no clone voices in our mind, we’ll pass through Step Two very quickly. If we have a big-ass clone, or lots of clone voices in our mind, we’ll be in Step Two for awhile. We might even get stuck in Step 2.5.
Step 2.5
This step is a very ineffective way of fixing the effects. In Step 2.5, we’re hearing thoughts, which are soothing; or we hear thoughts that are true for the True Self but not for the false self. Examples are “Everything happens for a reason.” “It will all be okay.” “Time heals.” “We are all one.” “Love is all.” “Love is the most powerful force in the universe.” These are basically true statements at the true-mental level. They feel good when you hear them. But in Step 2.5, we’re saying them because we’re trying to avoid or ignore our emotions.
The New Age, self-help, and progressive movements caused me to add this step. It became real popular in those groups. I’d often hear the opposite projected at me when people said something that sounded true or was over-the-top caring. They wanted me to think that they were in their True Self; or they wanted me to think that they had let go, but they hadn’t. Step 2.5 is actually used by con artists. We trust what we hear and ignore what we feel with such people; then we get blindsided by them.
People pleasers in the illusion think that speaking about the truth is inspiration. But the word inspiration starts with “IN.” Real inspiration comes when we expose what’s false in our fellow human beings; exposure pushes the other person inward where they can find their own inspiration. Inspiration is what we find when we get to Step Three.
Step Three
This Step is a calm, soft feeling. I rarely hear any words at this level. If there are words, it’s more like a thought of how nice it feels. I might get a creative vision or some real inspiration that I want to follow. This is where our problems disappear, and everything seems right again. I might feel the recognition of how much I love another. We feel compassion for others in Step Three, even people who have hurt us.
Unconditional love lives in Step Three. Now we can see that everyone in Step One, Two, and 2.5 have less power than we do. We have the clear view…the big picture. We aren’t thinking or contemplating. We have a knowing on the topic, not a belief. We see that the so-called experts on that topic are coming from beliefs, knowledge, or memories. So we just ignore what others think. We’re living fully from our own individual mental container, and we’re now clear on that topic.
So that’s the Three Steps. Like anything else I offer, it takes practice to get all the way to Step Three. So you do what you can each time you let go. In time, you’ll get there. Like I said above, you want to discover why your mind doesn’t do this naturally. Then let those blocking beliefs go. Such beliefs took you away from your True Self. They pointed you toward the illusion instead of away from it.
Using the Three Steps ultimately eliminates the need for the Three Steps. That’s the nature of any effective technique. It eliminates itself in time. It creates true healing, transformation, and freedom.
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