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Testing to See if Our Desire is True


Is my desire true


You’ve got this nagging desire that just won’t go away.  How do you know if it’s really a good desire to pursue?   Is it a True Self desire?  Or is it a false trap that will just get you in deep doo doo?

Or you’re mentally stuck with two seemingly equal choices.  How do you choose?

True Desires

Let’s review what I’ve discussed before.  A desire from your True Self will feel calm and peaceful.  You’ll enjoy thinking about it so long as you don’t start thinking about the fact that you don’t have it or start trying to figure out how to get it.  If you do that, you’ll feel emotional excitement.

A True Desire won’t solve a problem.  The True Self doesn’t know about problems.  True Self desires don’t fix effects; they’re creative in nature.

The most important test of all — it will be win-win for you and everyone on the planet.  No one will feel diminished, nor will their True Self be harmed by fulfillment of this desire.  It’s okay if their false self gets a little shaken up.


The big block to fulfilling desires is frequently related to deserving or worthiness.  Often successful people thank God for their success, “Look what God gave me,” they say as they accept the award given to them by “humans.”  They often add, “You can do it too.”  They’re hoping we won’t judge their extraordinary success.  The truth is that they made choices and had beliefs that led to that success that would make sense if we could read their mind.

In the end, it’s much kinder to say to someone, “I happened to find something that lots of people want or need,” rather than, “God gave me this because I deserve it.”  The first leaves the listener with a proper understanding of the winner’s path to success.  The second leaves the listener wondering what’s wrong with them.  We’ve often been that listener, which has led to the confusion we feel around deserving.

Astrology was one of the first ways that false deserving was created.  “Look it’s on my chart that I am to rule this land.  Fuck you guys!”  Now we use it to justify being an ass.  “I can’t help but be stubborn, I’m a Taurus.”  Astrology was also made by men, not God.

Along the same line, some people go to psychics to tell them if they’re deserving.  Some use divining tools to make decisions.  Some look for signs and signals.  Some are called, which is really funny.  Who’s calling?  Dah!  Ring, ring, it’s your false self!

The bottom line is that if we desire it, and it’s a true desire, we deserve it.  And there is a way to get it….letting go of the beliefs that stand in the way.

Saved By a Pendulum

I cured myself of the desire dilemma after I learned the art of dousing or divining.  I thought it was insanely cool.  I found the well site on my property.  I often made great decisions using the pendulum.  I was a pendulum master.  One day, I paid attention to my mind while doing it.  I was mentally directing the pendulum to spin, and my body translated it into subtle, undetectable movements.  When I just watched my mind, I could see that I was hoping for a particular answer.  That was my desire, dah!  Or at times, my mind was afraid of the answer.  Again, I could see my real desire, but now I could see that I believed it was impossible.  Or I feared I’d pay for my desired choice later on.  My emotions were far superior; they gave me truly insightful feedback.  I ditched the pendulum.

Let’s say, I wanted to know if I would get a contract or a house I loved.  Those were stupid questions.  The answer was more complex, “If I’d let go of my doubt and beliefs about not getting the contract, I’d get it.”  “If I’d stop listening to the advice of experts, I’d get the house.”  I could drill down and decide what to let go by just asking and feeling for emotional feedback.

I was going through all of this pendulum trouble because I feared people questioning my deserving.  The pendulum was like saying, “God gave me permission to have what I want.”  People convinced me that God was moving the pendulum.  But that was a lie.  I was moving it.  I realized that I was embarrassed by my creative capacity.  I was afraid of being judged by people who were prideful of their suffering.  Others in my life believed that if God didn’t call me, I wasn’t allow to move forward.  But God didn’t know my number because God was only calling people to support his crazy illusion.  I didn’t listen to that God…he made me want to barf.  The other God, that Creator from Genesis I, he was resting…taking a long nap.  I imagined what he would say…

“What are you asking me for?  I gave you a piece of me — your True Self.  You’re a creator.  Create what’s inspiring to you and harmonious with my other kids.  I will be in every one of your creations.  However, if you create in a way that’s harmful to your brothers and sisters, I won’t be around to watch.  You’re on your own, kiddo.  I’ll always love you, but if you fuck up, I’ll miss you.”

The Lesson

Think about flipping that coin or asking your Magic Eight Ball what you want to know?  Just do it in your mind.  Notice what you’re hoping for.  That’s your answer.  Now check out that answer.  Is it win-win for everyone who’s a True Self?  Does it feel calm?  Is it creative.  You have your answer!  If it meets those tests, it’s True.  Now you can focus on letting go of all the beliefs that stand in the way.


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and