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Taking Your Power Back By Playing a Game

FYI:  This is an advanced post that might not make sense if you’re new to letting go. Even if you are experienced, you’ll want to read this one slowly.

Stuck in Someone’s Beliefs

My blog readers aren’t heads of government, religions, or corporations.  They’re creative people who feel stuck in belief systems that were imposed upon them by others.  They often feel locked in a feminine role.

The majority of leaders and authority figures (even family leaders) see enemies and problems to be fixed in the people who play feminine roles beneath them.  They don’t realize that the problems and enemies they see actually exist ONLY in their own mind.  They speak as if the illusion that their mind created is real and true; it is for them.  We all see what we believe.  The false masculine thinks that its beliefs are God’s laws.  It rewards and punishes accordingly.

Our problems began when we believed our first false masculine leader or parent.  We began to see what they said we should see.  Life on earth has been this way for thousands of years.  It will change when we stop believing what others claim to see or know — when everyone admits that the Emperor is buck naked.

Here’s a game to help you escape the feminine role.  It’s challenging, and it’s designed to show you what to let go, to improve your discrimination, and to flip your mind back into the mental, True Self perspective.  Ultimately, we want letting go to become like driving — it’s mostly automatic.

The Game

See yourself in front of an audience consisting of difficult people from your life — people who judge you or want to control or fix you.  They can be people you know, authority figures, or imaginary people.  You can even invite God.  Let them speak one at a time.  Allow them to say what’s wrong with you or what you need to believe or be to please them.

I want you to see that what they say is their projection and their own level confusion.  Often they are looking only at what you are doing and judging their own beliefs about it.  Sometimes they don’t even see you.  Here’s an example:  One audience member looks at you and says, “You’re lazy.  You haven’t done anything lately.”  From the physical perspective, they’re right.  You’ve been doing lots of inner work.  But you aren’t allowed to tell them off, defend yourself, or react in this game.

First, you must recognize that they’re speaking from their physical perspective — the beliefs that form their illusion.   Notice how their comment feels to you.  You probably feel emotion; remember, the emotion means that what they said was FALSE.  If you take that emotion in and defend it, you enter their illusion.  You’re powerless because their illusion is a foreign land for you.  If you simply let go of their comment because it’s FALSE, your mind stays clear and free.

Take it slow.  You might feel lots of emotion regarding their comment.  You want to drain it all by witnessing it and remembering why you felt the emotion.  Don’t label the emotion anger, fear, or rage.  That just makes it real.  The emotion is simply saying that what they said was false.  That’s all!

You’ve been letting go a lot lately; and it’s true that you’re not doing much physical work.  But are you lazy?  Mentally, no.  In fact, mentally speaking, they’re lazy.  They haven’t let go of anything.  This is what frees you.  You see that they’re judging you from their physically oriented illusion.  They’re projecting their unwanted defect of mental laziness on you by confusing levels.  A person living from the mental perspective looks like an enemy to someone in the physically oriented illusion.  In the illusion, it’s all about what they see!

We all start life at the mental perspective; and as we accept physical perspective projections from others, we fall into their illusion.  By recognizing the error of the people who cast their stones upon us, we reverse our OWN fall.  Their fall is their problem.  Once you’re clear, you’ll have the words to explain yourself to them.  Or you’ll feel comfortable not responding at all.

Explain Yourself!

When we’re living from the mental point of view, we’re often asked by people in the illusion to explain ourselves.  People in the physical perspective don’t understand the mental perspective.  Often the only answer we have is that we did what felt right.  By untangling these two perspectives in your mind, you move out of right-wrong.  You no longer accept their projected judgment.  Their more limited physical perspective will only affect them if you let their beliefs go from your mind.

The trick to winning this game is to remember that what they say is what’s on their mind.  You must realize that neither their conviction, emotional projection, nor authority make their words true in the mental perspective.

Don’t go into their mind.   Keep watching your mind.  See what arises next.  In some instances, you’ll notice judgments toward them in your mind; and ideally, you’ll let them go even if they deserve the judgment.  If you let your judgments toward them go, you might just get to the True Self perspective and feel unconditional love for them.  You just see life from different perspective than they do.  Understanding cleans up that gap.  You’ll see them as powerless and lost — they’re in the fallen world.  You might want to help them, but you won’t want to fix them.  People fix others because they are afraid of them.  We help others because we care.

Your audience members can leave for two reasons:  1) They admit that they don’t want to let go; that’s fine but they must leave your mind (not necessarily your life).   2) They get it, and they let go.  They no longer belong in your audience of difficult people.  Your job is to clean out the entire audience.  That’s how you win the game.


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and