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God’s Slave and Religious Extremism Exposed

God's Slave

God’s Slave

I recently saw a phenomenal movie at the San Diego Jewish Film Festival called “God’s Slave.”  I doubt that it will ever get wide distribution so my commentary is going to include a spoiler alert.  It wouldn’t have ruined it for me to know the entire true story.

It seemed like a crazy coincidence to see this movie just after my father sent me some Republican propaganda, which of course explained how Muslims deserve to be hated and feared.  The writer was clearly caught in his extreme fear of terrorism.  I told my dad that I neither hated nor feared Muslims.  The discussion ended at that point.

Hate and Fear

Hating and fearing others actually perpetuates the illusion.  This is why Jesus said not to judge others and to love your enemy.  It’s not spiritual advice.  It’s practical.

Our false mind tells us that hating, judging, fighting, or criticizing our enemy will somehow make things right.  But that doesn’t work and never has.  When we hate or judge someone, we’re in our false masculine mind focusing on our own projection.  When we love our enemy or let go of our beliefs about our projection, it disappears.  Love and truth are the most perfect healing forces, they dissolve what’s false and leave what’s true.  You can never go wrong with unconditional love.

Fear of the false God made him into the illusion’s superstar.  Fear generates emotion; the illusion feeds off of emotion.  When people stop fearing God or fighting over who’s God is the real God, the whole thought form will dissolve.

My dad’s ridiculous email started off with a very strange line.  It said, “Muslims believe Allah, a moon God.”  Now I don’t know if Allah was originally a moon god or not, and it’s not important.  The person writing the email was Christian; Christians have a fake God too, but they think their God is true.  Jesus was considered a Sun God.  Yahweh was most likely a sky/storm God.  But calling Allah a “moon” God got me thinking.  The Muslim religion is a religion of submission — that’s a feminine quality, like the moon.  If we hate and fear anything in the feminine role, we get fear and hate back.  The feminine is reflective, like a mirror.  So how can you blame the feminine?   You can’t.  What this Christian email writer was saying, without realizing it, was that Christians have created a mean ass projection, a big enemy; and they won’t let go.  They’d rather fear, die, and fight their own reflection.  How stupid is that?  It’s real stupid, but the Christian church has been doing that for ages.

The correction to this problem is so easy.  However, this is the problem with the false masculine role.  It sees it’s reflection in the feminine role; and then blames the feminine.  It breaks the mirror when all it has to do is let go.

Religious Extremism

In “God’s Slave,” the main character’s parents were murdered as a young child.  He becomes a slave of the system, and they groom him to become a suicide bomber.  He’s told that the best life comes after suffering, which is not any different than the Christian notion of heaven after suffering on earth.  He’s told to go live a normal life until he’s called.  This is also no different than Christians waiting for the call.  And he’s told that being a martyr is the ultimate.  Of course, Jesus was a martyr.  So it quickly becomes apparent that Christians and Muslims share the same ridiculous beliefs.  Let go of these core beliefs, and the battle ends.  You won’t fight when you don’t believe in suffering, when you know who you are, and when you realize Jesus was an initiate, not a martyr.

Eventually, the protagonist gets the call.  By this time, he’s married and has a child who he loves very much.  He’s got a sweet, compassionate side to him.  But he’s a slave to his handler, his authority, who is a slave to the false God.

He leaves his wife and child and reports for duty.  They have no idea that he’s about to become a martyr.  He’s strapped with explosives and gets in a car filled with explosives.  He is to drive to a synagogue.  But when he reaches the synagogue, which is filled with people, he’s stopped by a young child who is standing in front of his car and won’t move.  He gets out of the car, picks up the child, and hands him to his father.  And in that compassionate, caring act, his brainwashing cracks; he remembers his own child, who is about the same age.  He remembers love; and he aborts the mission.

His handlers are going to kill him as punishment.  They say he has disappointed Allah.  He calmly replies, “No Allah didn’t ask me to kill, you did.”   That’s the realization of someone who has seen the illusion for what it is.  They realize that they’re being controlled by humans, not God.  It’s the key to freedom and the gateway to heaven on earth.

Life as a Movie

Each of our lives is like that movie, and we have been brainwashed by our handers to believe the movie we live in is true when it’s really just an illusion.  We’re all slaves to other humans who call us into roles.  But love and compassion cracks our programming.

Like the suicide bomber, our mind was programmed to think we’re being punished or rewarded by God.  We break free when we realize that humans are controlling us, punishing or rewarding us — not God.  We aren’t free until we say “No” to our handlers and take back our free will.  Then we can use the power of truth and unconditional love to dissolve the illusion that has imprisoned us.  We can start allowing our own True Self to write the script for our life.  The protagonist of “God’s Slave” was not killed; he was free.


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and