By Cathy Eck
Michelangelo’s Secret
When the story of Adam and Eve became widely accepted as true, the Adams of the world rose to a place of false superiority, as if incapable of making an error; and the Eves got blamed for the problems that the Adams manifested.
Adam demonstrated a very good trick, how to fake innocence and blame the feminine. And so it has been. The Adams blame, and the Eves accept the blame stripping away the power of the feminine for men and women. This is the curse of humanity that we perpetuate by repeating the same pattern of thinking over and over.
This fall story plays out every day in homes, schools, offices, and political arenas. The person who claims authority (the masculine Adam role) in any relationship usually claims innocence, while the one in the feminine Eve role feels they did something wrong that they can’t take back.
Michelangelo’s God in a Brain
The fall story must have weighed heavy on Michelangelo’s mind. Being a gay artist, he lived as an outcast in society. Outcasts don’t have authority; they live their lives in the feminine Eve role.
Michelangelo’s only power was in his gift. No one questioned him when it came to sculpting or his fresco (even though he didn’t know how to fresco when he accepted the Sistine Chapel commission). Michelangelo painted an obscure message on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. He painted God in the right half of a brain.
Within each of us, we have a masculine mind aspect and a feminine mind aspect. Michelangelo’s right brain is a metaphor for being in the right or feminine mind. Women mostly project out their masculine mind aspect, and most men do the opposite by projecting their feminine. But a gay man would be more comfortable in the mind of the feminine.
Ultimately, our masculine and feminine are designed to work together as equals, like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. When we are in our True Self power, our masculine and feminine aspects always agree, are in balance, and are not projected outward without our awareness. In the ancient world, this was called the alchemical marriage. It was the goal of initiation.
When we have this inner congruence, God or our True Self is our male aspect, our inner authority; and our creative feminine rests in the comfort and safety of this true authority. Expression of our gifts is effortless because we are whole.
Michelangelo Knew the Power of the Feminine
Michelangelo was part of a largely gay artist community in Florence during the Renaissance along with Leonardo and Raphael (the other Ninja Turtles). They studied in secret, performed illegal human dissections, and hid the truth of life in their work for us to find. They clearly didn’t fit the mold of the Catholic church, and they knew that fighting the church would cost them their life.
They took commissions from the church, but then left messages all over the Vatican for us to discover with delight today. They could do this because their gifts were so powerful that they became the authority when they did their work, and no one was the wiser.
God in a big old right brain is one of the gems that Michelangelo left. Secret society symbolism looked like interesting art to the masses and even the religious elite; but to the brotherhood, it spoke volumes.
Secret societies and ancient schools of initiation taught the power of the feminine. Isis resurrected the Egyptian King Osiris. Babylonians worshipped Ishtar. Ancient Greeks worshipped Athena, and the Knights Templar placed black Madonnas in churches. Even the Holy Grail is a feminine cup.
There were always powerful creative men who understood this, and they hid the power of the feminine message in everything from watermarks to stained glass windows. The religious and political elite, however, needed to keep the power of the feminine under wraps because anyone who reclaims that power can’t be lied to.
The Power of the Feminine and God
Michelangelo put the power of the feminine with God because the initiates knew that the feminine within didn’t fall. The feminine is receptive; it can’t fall unless the male aspect falls and takes it down with it. Our inner male holds beliefs; and when we cover our unconditionally loving God (True Self) within with beliefs, our feminine gets a little bitchy. She struggles to express her creativity.
Michelangelo exposed the power of the feminine (women and children) by placing them with God in the right side of the brain. Creating is about living in the image and likeness of the Creator God. Adam was left alone barely able to reach God’s finger. He represents the intellectual male mind, filled with beliefs, who blames his emotional Eve mind for his problems or sins.
Michelangelo died feeling like a failed man. I think about that often. The power and glory of his art was a brilliant light, but it was in the closet. He could not be open about the love of his life, who he painted into The Judgment fresco; and more important, he could not be open about the truth of life that he hid in his art. He lived quietly in the background while those that lied ruled the world. If I could have a word with Michelangelo, I would want to let him know that he was perfect, that he has been a true role model for me, and that his message has been received.
If you are still hungry for more Michelangelo, here is a tribute post to him.
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