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Mentoring Others to Let Go


As you travel along the path to freedom, you’re going to want to start mentoring others.  Here are a few things that I’ve learned about mentoring.  Freedom mentoring is unique; it works from the inside out.  Normal coaching, teaching, or healing work creates change within the illusion; it fixes the effect of the illusion.  That doesn’t mean that those services don’t have a place.  As long as the illusion exists, people will seek comfort within it.  But if your desire is to achieve and give freedom, you have to get truthful about what freedom mentoring looks like.  Even when someone says they’re removing bad energy, they aren’t moving the person to freedom.  Providing a better or more positive point of view isn’t movement toward freedom.

Freedom mentoring at its best is about letting go.  That’s it.  Unless people know how to remove their own causal false thoughts, they’ll simply recreate their problems in the same or different form.  Or, they’ll project them on to others.  Freedom mentoring is about eliminating the potential for all problems forever.  To be blunt, those who seriously seek freedom mentoring have generally had enough of fucking problems.  So there’s nothing and no one they won’t let go.  If the person hasn’t gotten to that point, they won’t go all the way to freedom.

Ultimately when we’ve received the complete gift of freedom, we no longer need healers, teachers, gurus, or therapists.  Thus, freedom mentoring is a temporary job.

Make Sure They Want To Let Go

Some people are thrilled with the notion of letting go.  Others are resistant to the idea.  False fear of loss is the biggest restriction to letting go.  If someone doesn’t want to let go, don’t force them.  We don’t need to recruit True Selves.  Everyone already has one.  Whether another lives from their True Self or covers it up is their free will.

If someone resists letting go but wants to be mentored, help them look for a payoff of their problem.  Often they’re getting attention for it, or even money.

I take responsibility for any fears, judgments, or beliefs I have about their resistance.  Often their will can be quite convincing that they’re a victim, their problem is normal, or there’s no cure.  They might tell you letting go doesn’t work.  They’ll often become highly defensive or angry.  They can look possessed — they are, by their own false self.  At this point, I let them know they can keep their belief, but they’re giving up freedom.  We don’t have the right to dominate another or force them to let go.  If we battle them, we drop into our false self.  Then two people are drowning in the illusion.

We can be of enormous assistance by simply remove any beliefs or fears about them from our own mind.  At the very least, they have one person in the world who sees them problem free.  Once you let go, speak whatever your inspired to speak, and trust in their own True Self to handle the rest of the process.

Our True Selves always do the work of letting go.  In mentoring, we’re remembering their True Self’s knowing and unconditional love.  The false self can’t survive such purity.

The Truth Will Set Them Free

Some people want to vent or tell their story.  They believe that will get it off their chest.  They don’t realize that each time they tell their story, they’re giving it more power.  They’re getting less free.  The false self always says that it’s giving us what it’s actually taking.  It lies.  It tells you that telling your story will free you when it actually takes your freedom from you.

Often people tell their story looking for attention or approval.  Sadly, we’re socially trained to offer support for such behavior.

If they’re open to your mentoring, ask them to tell the story one line at a time.  Then after each line of the story, ask them if that felt good.  Remind them that if it didn’t feel good, it wasn’t true.

This is where things get tricky.  The story looks true to them because it was their reality.  But it isn’t true, the truth always feels calm and unemotional.  Their reality was the effect of their past beliefs.  So by telling the story and recognizing that it all feels bad and it all occurred in the illusion, they often find the causal beliefs that they need to let go.

Traditional Bridgework

What if you work as a traditional healer, teacher, or coach?  In the beginning, you don’t have to do anything different with your clients except make sure you don’t believe them.  This feels odd at first.  It feels like you aren’t connecting with them.  But any treatment that you offer will work much better if you actually realize that nothing is wrong with them.

Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet, gave thousands of readings on health problems.  In his sleeping state, he was able to determine what the person in need of healing believed and recommend a solution that matched their beliefs.  In addition, to the salve, herb, drug, or physical treatment, he often recommended that they look to their mind and emotions for the cause.  At one point, he started a group geared toward connection with God.  The group asked him if they would achieve connection in this life, and he pretty much said no.  I suspect he determined in his sleeping state that they weren’t letting go; they were soothing their wounds and memorizing the truth.

As a mentor, truthfulness is key.  We must avoid telling people what they want to hear.  That requires letting go of our fear of rejection.  We must let go first and then follow our inspiration.  We must care about their freedom more than looking good or smart.  Mentoring others in this way rewards the mentor and the person being mentored — both grow closer to freedom.  It’s always win-win.


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and