By Cathy Eck
What you Don’t Know About Prophecy
While I don’t know the source of these prophecies, they are consistent with the tone of the Mayan philosophy and the prophecies of other ancient elders. They are certainly good advice.
People often worry about prophecies. But Edgar Cayce, also known as the sleeping prophet, was very clear that prophecies are merely a warning. They are not an exact foretelling. If we are wise, we’ll use the prophecies as motivation for change. They are harmful if they create fear with no transformation.
People mistook Biblical prophecies for the truth, and they made no effort to change. People still don’t learn from Biblical prophecies; they simply wait for them to happen.
In short, being a prophet is the worst job in the world because it is important that we learn from the prophecies and prove the prophet wrong. Prophecy is not a job for people who want approval or need to be right.
Time Without Time
The first of the Mayan prophecies talks about a “time without time.” It is said that starting in 1999, the human being has to choose to change their attitude and open their mind to integrate everything. We have to see ourselves as part of the human race, a citizen of the world. Time is a mechanism of control. When we live beyond time, we take back our power.
Humanity will enter the great room of mirrors; consequently, we will meet ourselves on every corner and in every relationship. That which we have hidden under a mask will be exposed.
Materialism will be left behind and will give way to liberation from suffering. This is good news since we will come to be evaluated based on our character and our love, not our bank balance.
Answers Are Within
The second prophecy states that all answers are within. The behavior of all humanity will change rapidly. Humans will either easily lose control of their emotions or will realize their inner peace. If they die, it will be from their own fear. In the language that I use on this website, we will either hold on and go deeper into the illusion, or we will let go and move toward greater freedom.
This prophecy indicates that the energy received from the center of the galaxy is increasing the frequency of the planet and human brain waves. This is altering behavior and our way of thinking and feeling. It is why people are so emotional these days. Our beliefs are rising to the surface of our conscious mind. This prophecy mentions two potential paths: one of compassion and love and another of fear and destruction. The path to follow will be chosen individually.
In a world that is speeding up, we don’t have time to search for every answer and contemplate our decisions. We have to know what is right for us quickly and accurately. That wisdom comes from within; knowing how to discriminate between true and false will become very important.
Climate Change
The third prophecy states that there will be a change in temperature producing climactic, geological, and social changes. This will be generated by man’s lack of conscience regarding the protection of the planet’s natural resources and by the sun’s natural cycles. Don’t confuse this with the fear-based theory of global warming. This is partly manmade and partly just a natural cycle.
The fourth of the Mayan prophecies points out that the anti-ecological conduct of man and the greater activity by the sun will cause a melting of ice in the poles. This will allow the earth to cleanse itself producing changes in the physical composition of the continents.
Fear-Based Systems
The fifth prophecy states that all systems based on fear will fail; man will transform to give way to a new harmonic reality. This of course includes all religious and political organizations since they all have fear at the core. This is very good news.
People will become spiritual as opposed to religious. Religion has served its purpose; and it is no longer needed. We must remember that only beliefs contain fear; and all beliefs are artificial lies. The truth never generates fear.
Man will face himself, reorganize society, and continue down the path of evolution bringing him to understand creation. This is why letting go is so important. Each time we let go, a little more of the loving creator God force fills our mind and body. The Mayans said that we would leave the old moral systems behind and start operating from the natural ethics of the True Self.
Comet Appearance
The sixth of the Mayan prophecies states that a comet will appear whose trajectory will endanger man. The Mayan culture considers comets to be agents of change that come to invoke the evolution of the collective conscience.
This is the most fear-inducing of the prophecies. The question comes down to whether the prophecy is about physical transformation, which could be destructive, or a mental change. My feeling is that if we make the mental change, the physical wake-up call won’t be necessary. I’ve had many experiences where doom loomed nearby in my life experience; but when I got the message, the problem disappeared completely.
No Labels, No Lies, No Borders
The seventh of the Mayan prophecies said that from the year 1999 until 2012, the light emitted from the center of the galaxy would synchronize all living beings and create an internal transformation producing new realities. The Mayans mention that every person can change and break through its limitations with pure thought. Pure thought comes naturally from the True Self, authenticity is the cure for humanity.
It is predicted that limits will disappear. A new era of transparency and light will begin, and the lies will end forever. What more could we ask for? We will finally behave as creators in the image and likeness of God.
For more on the Mayan Calendar, here is a very detailed article.
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