By Cathy Eck
The Causal Belief
We eliminate problems by finding the causal belief. The initiates said that all causes are mental. We’re all mentally ill.
Finding the causal belief of any problem isn’t difficult. We’re just trained to look in the wrong places.
The false self is our entire collection of beliefs working together like an army. The army has a collective identity. That identity feels a power loss when you let go of a belief. It behaves as if a soldier has died. It sees the True Self as it’s enemy because the True Self is more powerful and can destroy the army. Letting go of beliefs is a lot like fighting a battle. In fact, that is the meaning of Armageddon — it’s the inner final battle between our True Self and our false self.
How to Find the Causal Belief
Here’s how I did it the very first time. Since then my methods have become more advanced, but they still rest on this basic technique.
1. Why do you want to find the causal belief? Your motive must resonate with the True Self — health, freedom, peace, unconditional love are perfect. Win-lose intentions don’t work.
2. Find the observer in your mind. You can’t let go if you’re wallowing in your emotions or contemplating your thoughts. Those are false self activities. The observer (or watcher) is the part of your mind that witnesses your thoughts and emotions. It’s your True Self. It is all-powerful and can discriminate and let go.
You activate your observer by imagining that your thoughts are projected on a screen. The part of your mind that is reading (and hearing) the thoughts is the observer.
3. Once you’ve found the observer, think of something you fear or a problem. You should feel emotion in your body. If you don’t feel emotion, you probably project your emotions on to others. Ask yourself, who would get emotional about this problem? There’s your emotions. Stay in the place of the observer. Don’t label the emotion. Just watch it, and feel it.
Everyone’s born with emotions, but we forgot their true purpose. People treat their emotions as unnecessary, like tonsils. Authority figures hate emotions because they expose their lies. Our emotions are our smothered inner Goddess who discriminates and keeps us on our path. Without her, the nasty ass false God inside our mind wastes our life fighting wars.
Our emotions were designed to let us know when our thinking was taking us away from the truth. They also tell us when to believe another person. To understand this, you have to see your mind as a container of thought. Our True Selves are collective (one). The false self was designed to be a separate creative container; we weren’t meant to share beliefs. But we do.
A free person constantly observes their mind. They think a thought (cause); then their emotions (effect) give feedback. If they think a true thought, they feel calm, emotionless. If they think a false thought or belief, they feel agitated or emotional. All emotions are the same. We label them based on circumstances. You’ll see how perfectly this was designed.
4. To find the causal thought, we reverse the process. Our inner observer watches the emotion (effect). As we watch the emotion, beliefs pop into our mind; all of them are false. The emotion eventually takes us to a causal belief.
When any belief arises in our mind, it sounds true. After all, we accepted it as truth from an authority. It’s tempting to believe it again. Avoid that temptation.
5. We let the belief go by reminding ourself that it’s false. I usually repeat something in my mind like, “This belief is false because it doesn’t feel good.” You will find words that work for you. The key is to stick with it. You’re trying to kill a soldier in your army of false beliefs. You want it dead, not hopping around on one leg. When it’s difficult to let go, you’re battling a seemingly powerful authority figure, like a general.
You’ll notice a shift once your mind accepts that a belief is a lie and lets go. Then the emotion dissipates or another belief appears to let go. Continue until all emotion is gone. The trick is to not believe anything your mind says while watching the emotion. This process can take five minutes or five hours. Persistence pays off.
It Gets Easier
The process is like riding a bike. It eventually clicks. You’ll wonder how in the hell you could have missed something so obvious all your life. You missed it because you were trained to miss it. We think our inner (and outer) army is protecting us when it actually causes all of our problems.
Consistent letting go rewires your mind so it naturally discriminates. You’ll no longer accept beliefs that are false even if spoken by an authority.
When you complete the process, you’ll notice a calm feeling; you might laugh hysterically because the belief was so insane, or sometimes you’ll get an insight into life.
Final Warning
You might be shocked at the beliefs that arise. I’ve had beliefs about curses, karma, evil, sin, and religions I’ve never practiced. I didn’t think I believed any of them, but I did. Don’t worry about how you got beliefs. Just let them go. You can’t screw up because you can’t let go of truth.
Treat the process like a game. The false self loves to make things serious. Every time you let go, your True Self grows in power. Eventually, you’ll realize that you don’t need an army, and you’ll dismantle the whole damn thing. You’ll be free.
If the process doesn’t work for you, check out Unlocking Heaven’s Gate. It’s free. You can also contact me with questions or schedule a mentorship session. Often when it doesn’t work, psychological reversals are confusing you or someone powerful is imposing their beliefs on you.
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