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Honesty, Reality, and the True Self

Honesty Used Ineffectively

One of the biggest problems that arises in people who want to be themselves and free their mind is they’re usually really honest people.  Often their honesty gets them in trouble when trying to let go.  This was a mind trick that nailed my ass to the wall for a long time.

Let’s say you want to lose weight.  When you look in the mirror, you see reality.  You don’t like what you see, and your false mind honestly comments on what it sees.  Positive thinkers would say to look in the mirror and say, “I’m a skinny person,” 5000 times.  But you’re an honest person; that just doesn’t work for you.  It feels like lying.  In fact, it just makes things worse.  Since you can’t lie, and your reality is in your face, you feel hopelessly screwed by your own honesty.

The problem is that your beliefs have already created too much weight.  So how do you get behind the reality to let go of the beliefs?  What you must realize is that the beliefs you currently hold in mind in this very moment are the beliefs that got you to this point.  The good news is that as you look in the mirror, you’re probably feeling emotion.  That means that the beliefs are close to the surface of your mind.  The emotion will take you to the causal belief if you follow it.

The key is to change your mental focus from what you see to what you are thinking and feeling.  In that way, you can find the cause and let it go.

Our goal is to let go of any belief about weight that isn’t true.  If we can let go of all of the beliefs that we have about food, exercise, genetics, body type, or weight in general, then we won’t be able to create too much weight anymore.

Now I realize that I’ve picked a loaded topic.  Most of us can let go of food and exercise beliefs for a long time without running out of them.  We’ve accepted a hell of a lot of them; and if we’re honest, they all feel bad.  They can also be tricky to let go because we got most of them from experts.  But if we want freedom, we have to strip the power from the experts.  Our True Self is much wiser.

The Process

As we look in the mirror and see too much weight, we can feel the emotion arising.  Our honesty is dying to express itself.  If we’ve hung out in the new thought movement, we’ll want to put whipped cream on our honesty.  But don’t do it.  Whatever our mind is saying is just a belief; we don’t have to hide it or fear it because we can let it go.  This is really facing our fears.  Instead of decorating them, stuffing ourselves with some cake, turning on the television, or whining to a friend, we feel the emotion, witness the causal thoughts as they arise, and let them all go.

Let’s say that when you looked in the mirror you said, “I’m so fat.”  That comment clearly doesn’t feel good.  But you say, “That isn’t a belief.  It’s true.  I am fat.”  And therein lies the problem. Focusing on reality or labeling it solidifies the belief even more.  It makes it even harder to create change.

Honesty is Your Ally

Most people say, “You must deny what you see.  Cancel, cancel.”  That’s just fixing the illusion, and the illusion will come back later on.  We must remove the illusion to eliminate the problem completely.

We succeed if we turn our honesty on our mind.  This is what allows the situation to change.  Our biggest mental downfall, that perpetuates all problems, is that we’re all far too focused on reality.  We talk about reality; we warn people about reality.  But reality is caused by our beliefs.  Reality isn’t the truth.  Remember reality is our True Self, plus our beliefs.

We must stop commenting on what we SEE in the mirror; instead, we turn our ally of honesty on our mind.  Our mind says, “You look terrible.”  That comment clearly doesn’t feel good; so it isn’t true (meaning it isn’t who we really are).  Go into mind clean up mode.  Stay focused on the job at hand.  Our mind can continue to comment all it wants; but as it comments, we let go of every thought that doesn’t feel good.  In this way, we’ve begun the process of clearing our mind of all the beliefs that caused the excess weight.

As the beliefs go, we might spontaneously choose different food, find ourself taking up a sport, or just losing the weight without any action at all.  Our True Self will inspire us if any action is necessary for us.

The Goal of Life

The goal of life is not to prove reality right.  Anyone can do that.  The goal of life is to return to our True Self.  To do that, we must let reality know that we know it’s false.

This is the hardest switch for people to make in freeing their minds.  Almost no one does it.  It’s especially difficult when it comes to our body, our finances, or world events.  It drives us insane in relationships where we let go, and the other person keeps reminding us of reality.  But that’s why initiation isn’t for wimps.

Our false self thinks that we have to fix reality.  But reality is an illusion.  It makes no sense to fix a false illusion.  Eventually, one incredibly wonderful day, we no longer hold any beliefs in our mind.  Then reality and the truth are the same thing.

So be honest about what you are thinking, not what you see.  Be hard core in forcing your mind to drop whatever thoughts contain emotion.  Then you can turn anything around.

photo credit: jesuscm [2 weeks off] via photopin cc


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and