Following Your North Star by Aligning the Masculine and Feminine Roles

Following North Star

By Cathy Eck


When I first got involved in this work, I realized that the ancient people saw masculine and feminine as mental concepts.  This felt peculiar at first.  In modern society, we associate masculine and feminine with physical bodies. But I felt there was something very important to discover in accepting the ancient point of view.

I now see that understanding the masculine-feminine connection is key to following our North Star.  It keeps us on our path and helps us discriminate in a world where everything is upside down.


Masculine and Feminine Review

In the beginning, the world was Eden-like. People were in touch with their True Selves.  Our True Self is androgynous, unified, and doesn’t have beliefs. We could live eternally from the True Self, and enjoy pure, calm feelings all the time.  But we wanted to create; so we invented the mind.

While the True Self (God Self) is shared by all, the false self (which lives in our mind) isn’t shared.  This is purposeful.  Our minds are our creative palettes.  Each artist has a different palette, and each individual creator has a separate mind.  (See the post about minds as individual containers.)

Masculine energy was naturally giving, assertive, yang, and outward (just like the male sexual organ).  Ideally male energy was like the sun; it unconditionally gave without expecting anything in return.  It gave us what we needed — light and warmth.  It supported growth.  That was our True Self masculine role model.

Feminine energy was absorbing, yin, and inward, like the earth; the earth absorbed the sun’s rays to produce vegetation.  Receiving/absorbing became associated with the True Self feminine role model.

The roles that we play mirror these macrocosmic concepts.  The masculine role was designed as the giving role, such as teacher, doctor, clergy, employer, or parent.  The feminine role was the receiving role, such as student, patient, employee, or child.  The role doesn’t always match the person’s sex.

If the person in the masculine role is like the sun and gives truth, unconditional love, and joy, the people in the feminine roles are creative.  Things grow perfectly.  If the masculine leader believes in good-evil, dominance-submission, right-wrong, or win-lose, then the feminine becomes emotional or what is often labeled bitchy.  The false masculine causes the feminine to move from absorbing like the earth to reflecting like the moon; absorbing the false masculine’s beliefs would destroy her.

A good leader corrects his mind when he sees his nasty reflection; he’ll let go of his false beliefs.  Everything returns to perfection.  If the leader needs to be right or defends his beliefs, then the people in the feminine role will become more and more emotional.  They must; they’re simply the leader’s bad reflection.


The North Star

Many people are now seeking an authentic life.  Their North Star is set on truth, unconditional love, peace, or freedom.  They end up an emotional wreck when they look at the world today.  I was one of those people, and I was very confused.  By resetting my North Star on truth and freedom, all the beliefs that I’d accepted from the illusion were exposed as false.  The beliefs were arising constantly so I could let them go; but I didn’t know how.  I was dying under an emotional tsunami of beliefs.

The seemingly calm people in the illusion have their North Star set on something false like getting approval, making money, or looking good.  Some set their North Star on romance, obedience, or power.  They aren’t trying to escape the illusion.  In fact, they contribute to it.

Our emotional navigation system was originally set to true and false.  If our masculine aspect thought truth, we felt good.  Emotions (feminine) signaled us only if we thought something false.

In the illusion, we set our North Star in a different direction.  We become psychologically reversed from our original setting.  We go deeper into the illusion.  But the system still works.  Once, we set our direction, our mind takes us where we want to go.  It doesn’t judge our choice of North Star.

If you’re born into a house and punished if you don’t obey, you’ll switch your North Star to match your parents’.  If you’re born into a house where making money was valued, you’ll set wealth as your North Star.  Most of us have altered the original setting of our North Star to some extent.

Let’s say you make wealth your North Star.  You’ll feel calm when you have thoughts that lead to making money; you’ll feel nervous agitation (emotion) when you fear losing money.  Someone who speaks the truth will generate emotion in you if the truth isn’t aligned with making money.  You’ll think the truth is bad.  The masculine-feminine connection works the same regardless of the direction you point it.

It isn’t bad to set your North Star toward a false desire, but you’ll accept more beliefs.  You’ll eventually pay a price for your choice because it will get you stuck in the illusion.  You’ll probably reject your True Self most of the time.  The path of the True Self is always much greener.  But no one tells us that when we’re stuck in the illusion, and we forget that we can let go.  Also, too many people make their destination the right destination, which negatively impacts others.


Following Your North Star

Decide the direction you want to go, and choose your North Star wisely.  Then start to think; watch your thinking and beliefs.  If your masculine intellect is thinking in alignment with your North Star, your feminine will be insightful, calm, and wise.  Your destination is assured.

You might recognize this concept as the three Wise Men following the star to Jesus, the True Self.  The false leader (Herod) couldn’t find the True Self; he had a false self North Star; his star was in the illusion.  Therefore, he wanted to kill anyone under two, meaning anyone who was still ONE.  It’s a system that’s as old as time.


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and