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The Final Battle With Roles Requires Courage

  • Post category:Initiation

Courage and the Lion

Origin of Roles

The ancient storytellers saw the world through the eyes of archetypes and characters.  While they wrote about Gods having experiences, they were actually talking about aspects of their own mind.  A storyteller cast his masculine and feminine characters based on his interpretation of the sky.  The original archetype cast the sun as the masculine role projecting light, warmth, and unconditional love on to the feminine role moon or earth.  The moon feminine role (not always female) reflected the sun; and the earth feminine role absorbed it.  It was a marriage made in heaven; and this was called the True Self.  As the masculine role (sun) lost its unconditional nature, the moon feminine became a lunatic, and the earth feminine became heavy, serious, polluted with emotion, and depressed.  Today the world is filled with unloving suns, lunatics, and fat, depressed people.  Our earth is in danger.  There’s only one cause.  It’s the fall of the masculine role.

In initiation, we return to the place where the masculine and feminine aspects of our own mind become like our initial state of mind with an unconditional sun.  The feminine becomes calm, creative, and filled with life.  When we create equality inside of our mind, we’ll see equality outside.  When our masculine mind only speaks true, loving thoughts, our feminine will no longer emote.

To try to create equality of sexes or races on the outside without first finding it on the inside, is fixing the effect rather than the cause.  You can’t will your mind to be loving.  You can’t put truth on top of manure.  You have to let the false go to get to your truth.

The false self would be easy to let go, but other people try to keep our false self in tact.  They remind us of our labels, they impose their beliefs on us, and they encourage social protocols that enhance our mask.  People who are winning from the patriarchal world don’t want us becoming our True Selves.  True Selves are powerful.  The false masculine wants his feminine characters to lose so they can live without anyone exposing or defeating them.  Without humans in feminine roles, who would fight their wars?  Who would build their temples and churches?  Who would wipe their royal asses?

Most people live life from two minds — their masculine and feminine are constantly arguing.  When we’re in our True Self, our inner masculine and feminine mind aspects agree.  There are no decisions.  There are no emotions.  We’re calm and peaceful.  We’re creative and productive.  Our discrimination keeps us safe from the illusion.  We easily bring our ideas into the physical world like great inventors, original artists, and powerful win-win oriented leaders.  These people have huge visions, but they also have the ability to bring their ideas into the physical world.  They aren’t just day dreamers, philosophers, or storytellers.

The act of letting go grounds our ideas into the material world.  We begin living our life.  We’ve know we’ve really arrived when we can even be completely ourselves with those who programmed us to have false selves.  Our handlers lose their power when we drop the roles they gave us.  The final test requires that we don’t believe anyone else if it generates even a little emotion.  We can no longer be tricked by a false self.

If we don’t see someone as authority, we won’t submit to them.  If we don’t see someone who asks for help as below us, we won’t dominate or control them.  We do what we’re inspired to do.  Sometimes thats creating with others.  Sometimes we’re creating alone.  Sometimes, we’re supporting another to let go of the illusion they’re struggling with.

The Last Rule

The rule about roles that pulled us deeply into the illusion was simple.  We gave attention and authority to people with the most rigid beliefs or rules — false selves.  We wanted to be good; so we obeyed authority. We were taught to listen to and respect elders, but our elders were already stuck in the illusion.  We gave respect and attention to the least free person in any situation.  If everyone was healthy and one person was sick, the sick person got the attention.  We gave attention to victims, perpetrators, and heroes; we made the independent free-thinking True Self a rebel and a heretic.  The people who had the most beliefs became leaders, teachers, and preachers — the masculine roles.  We rewarded people for honoring beliefs.  Those with the least beliefs were punished until they submitted.

The way out is the opposite.  We flip the rule upside-down.  We don’t make the feminine dominant; that would be a lateral movement.  We follow those with the freest minds in any situation without regard to age, talent, race, sex, or label.  We reward freedom by giving those who operate from win-win our business, attention, and appreciation.  We listen to children rather than dominate them.  We seek our own truth and get whatever support we need to let go.  As we let go, we acquire the natural courage to face those who gave us our false self.  We make things right again.

Permanent/Temporary Roles

As we let go, permanent roles disappear.  There will always be temporary roles.  Roles create a way of interacting and co-creating; but they won’t have a superior/inferior, good/evil, or win/lose tone to them.  Until we’re all free, the natural leader or teacher will be the person with the most expansive point of view (least beliefs) in families, communities, and the world.  Natural leaders or teachers will hold the vision of freedom and help others let go so they can heal their minds and bodies.  

I’ve created a pathway out and identified many of the tricks and traps, but it’s a very narrow path.  Now it’s time for those who desire freedom to clear their own minds and make this pathway clear, safe, and wide.  Since you’re here, reading this blog, you’re probably such a path maker.


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and