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Initiation: You Can’t Worship Two Masters

Find the kingdom of heaven

Initiation was All About the Mind

People are surprised to learn that one of the best patterns of initiation is the story of Jesus.  No one knows for sure if Jesus was real or if he was simply the initiation poster child.  He’s not a big character in history books of his time.  No one has found his body and DNA tested it.  It’s highly possible that his story was just a model for those who wanted to find their way back to perfection.  It’s the perfect story for that purpose if you can see Jesus as an initiate — a man who is letting go of the illusions that he sees within the world.  This enables him to become a Son of God.

Real or not, Jesus said a lot of cool things because his words were truthful.  As an initiate, he understood the difference between true and false.  He didn’t waste words because he knew that words had creative power.

Sadly, Christianity has really distorted his message.  Christians are extremely disrespectful of his teachings.  They did to Jesus what has been done to everything else that fell out of Eden on this planet.  They made his life about physical events and what to do to be labeled good; they took his words out of context to prove themselves right.

Jesus never asked people to become clones of him or to worship him; he asked them to follow him on the path to truth.  When he said, “Follow me,” an initiate would know that he meant to follow his True Self.  He wouldn’t be so stupid as to ask you to follow his false self or play Simon Says.  He hated the religions of his time because they were about beliefs.  He simply wanted people to be their unconditionally loving and powerful True Selves.

He spoke as the True Self so that people would get comfortable listening to the truth.  Hopefully they’d recognize the same voice in themselves and others.  But people took his way of speaking to mean that he was the one and only Son of God.  He clearly told people that God was inside of them, and they could do what he could do.

You Can’t Worship Two Masters

When he said, “You can’t worship two masters,” he meant that you can’t be in two minds at the same time.  He could see that part of their mind knew the truth.  While another very strong part was fearfully (and blindly) obedient to the illusion.  They were mixing the two voices (or minds) together instead of seeing them as two different paths with two completely different destinations.  You’ll recognize this as level confusion.

Level confusion is our Achilles’ Heal on the initiate’s path.  The familiar false voices can be very loud.  The collective mind looks powerful.   The illusion survives by mixing true words with false beliefs creating massive inner and outer confusion.

To get out of the false illusion, we have to discriminate and drop our own false beliefs so that we’re left with the pure truth.  Since, you can’t accidentally let go of the truth, you can’t screw up by letting go.  But the false mind won’t tell you that.  It causes people to be afraid of letting beliefs go as if they might accidentally drop a kidney or an ear.

Letting the Old Master Go

People start reading my blog or come to me for support because they see the cracks in the illusion.  But they don’t know what to do about what they see.  If they share their observations, they appear to be crazy or anti-social.  The new master (their True Self) is calling them; but the old master is still screaming orders.  Jesus had this issue when he couldn’t do miracles in his hometown.  He had to let go of his own beliefs that his family could hold him back.  He had to move forward toward the truth and ignore the voices in his head from the past.

As we move forward in initiation, our old voices of fear interrogate us.  If I don’t honor the beliefs of my friends, they won’t like me.  If I don’t honor my family’s beliefs, they’ll banish me.  If I don’t honor the beliefs of the political system, I’ll look like a traitor.  If I really behave from my True Self, I won’t look humble.  If I don’t pretend that we have enemies and support the troops, I’ll look like I don’t care about my country.  If I don’t look sorry for those who have created a mess of their life, I’ll look rude or uncaring.  Most of what comes up is some form of, “I’ll look bad.”  The fear of looking bad can be very powerful.  We must remember that the True Self is good (with no opposite).

Jesus looked bad to those vested in the false self of his day; he didn’t fit in.  He sounded strange to the religious and political people.  He found it more comfortable to be with children than adults.  He was angry at the system, the status quo.  Nothing has changed.  If he appeared today, the very religion that was modeled after him would treat him like crap, if they even recognized him.

Often when we see the truth, we get scared and go right back to fitting in.  It’s too much to handle; it’s too scary to be different in this crazy world.  Welcome to the world of initiation.  It looks terrifying.

The false self (which includes religion) tells us that is it protecting us, when it’s really causing all of our problems and destroying our life.  The truth is that every time I’ve let go, I’ve found less fear and less risk in my life.  The false self becomes less powerful as you keep letting go.  Eventually, we crucify the whole thing.  Then we are truly reborn.

The deeper meaning of the Golden Rule is found in The Huna Golden Rule.


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and