I’ve gotta say this because I’m tired of seeing amazing people waste their life as seekers. Seekers tend to seek and seek, but they don’t find because the answer isn’t out there.
Initiation is simply about finding your OWN True Self inside. It’s simple in theory, but often people have accepted quite a compost heap of beliefs to dig through.
The False Self Computer
You can let go of all those voices in your mind. It’s safe. You won’t die or disappear. You’ll love what you find underneath all that crap.
But don’t be fooled. You don’t get anywhere by talking about letting go or saying you should let go. You make progress when you let go. To let go, you must realize that the voices are false. It’s hard because we fear making our old authorities wrong. Their words were presented as true; they weren’t up for discussion. You must take back your power — power you never should have given to any other.
These teachers, preachers, and gurus know that you’ll store their words in your mind like a computer stores data. In this way, they own your mind. If lots of people believe the same thing, it becomes accepted as true. People don’t expose it as untrue anymore; they’re afraid to. It’s all about gathering numbers of followers, just like Twitter. All religions started as cults; they cross over into religion at a certain level of members.
Gurus, priests, and even school teachers tell you what they know. Then you memorize it. Now you’re a computer. You aren’t human anymore. They tell you that what they’re saying is true. “True” is a magic word to our minds. If we label something true, our false mind will sacrifice our life to hold on to it. To let go, you have to recognize that the belief is false — not bad or evil — just false.
When your mind is a computer, you shut off your feminine guidance (emotions). If the teacher says it, it’s true. You’ve lost your own discrimination. You’re a puppet. You repeat what you’ve learned and behave as if others need it too.
Never Too Late
Fortunately, it’s never too late. Wanting freedom or truth sets you on the path back to your True Self. Then you have to fight those old voices of authority. They don’t go easy. They’re like a song that won’t get out of our head. The key is to realize that they’re FALSE.
I went though a seeking phase. Lots of teachers went from genius to goofball quickly. It took me a long time to give up my belief that someone else had the answer. I believed that I didn’t know the truth. Of course, after I heard their truth, I was out lots of money; and I had more beliefs to let go. They won; I lost. The worst part was that I thought there was something wrong with me. I couldn’t get it. I didn’t question their words because they had a title, costume, or credentials.
Gurus or True Selves
Stand in your True Self’s perspective. You’ve been around forever, and no one has listened to you. You’ve had all the answers, knew how to avoid every problem, and loved unconditionally. Now your false mind carts your ass into the next workshop or religious service and accepts more knowledge labeled truth. How would you feel? Isn’t that arrogant to think that another person’s beliefs are better than our own True Self? It like saying fuck you to God. When you get that, you’ll let those voices go more quickly.
Let me be clear. Honest knowledge isn’t a problem. I know my Photoshop instructor is sharing knowledge. He doesn’t care if I switch programs tomorrow. There’s no deception. The deception occurs when someone gives you beliefs masked as the truth of life. You’re supposed to obey them forever. That’s deception!
Here’s what your True Self knows: You’re spiritual, good, wise, free, loving and joyous. You’ve always the truth inside of you. All you can do is be your True Self or cover it up with other people’s beliefs. Your True Self says, “I feel so connected to God when I surf, walk my dog, or cook pizza.” Then the guru says, “Spiritual is only found in the space between the thoughts. Be in the now.” Or in the west, “Love your enemies unless they are gay, illegal aliens, or live in a country that has something we want.” Their voices get stuck in our mind, and we spend our lives looking for the space between our thoughts, trying to be in the now, or trying to find the badness in the gay, illegal alien, or Arab.
I Love Popeye
When I lived in Virginia, there were a few gurus nearby. I watched as amazing people became disciples. They slowly gave their power away until one day they were powerless thinking they were awakened. They just walked around like Olive Oil in an episode where she was hypnotized to say, “I love Popeye, I love Popeye, I love Popeye.” She didn’t love Popeye, she was hypnotized so that her mind repeated the same thing over and over. She believed she loved Popeye, which wasn’t the same thing as just loving Popeye. When I’d question these disciples, they’d glaze over and say, “He’s just pure love.”
So eastern or western, it’s built around the same false belief, which is the lie that someone else has the truth. People brag about who they follow when they should be ashamed of it. It means they consider their own True Self worthless. I can assure you, if you start letting go of the beliefs you’ve accepted from gurus, teachers, preachers, and priests, you’ll find your True Self. And that voice will be perfect, original, true, and YOURS.
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