When It Feels Like Our Love is Not Enough

Path of Venus and the apple

By Cathy Eck



When Love Is Not Enough

Years ago, I met a sweet woman who was going through a tragic situation with her son.  At the time, I didn’t know how to let go of beliefs, but I could see that she had a very big belief.  She said it over and over again.  “How can I save my son if my love is not enough?”  I doubt that there’s a person alive who has not thought those words at some point in their life.  We all long to save the people we hold dear, and often we suspect that we just don’t have enough love.

I couldn’t get her story out of my mind for years even though I lost touch with her.  It felt completely wrong to me that we would be living in a world where our love is not enough.  Yet, I too had that belief.  I had memories to prove it.

Then I came to understand beliefs.  When we believe words, they become our truth.  We see proof of our belief/truth in the world, then we believe it even more.  We get caught in an infinite loop with no exit.


Conditional Love

Love is not enough because most love in this world is conditional or romantic.  Half people who complete each other or caretakers who simply do what others say is right or proper are operating at the level of the false self; and in the illusion, love is not enough.  If love was enough, the illusion would end.

You see, love is the most powerful force in the universe because it supports the truth while simultaneously dissolving the false. Thus if you can unconditionally love any situation, disease, or enemy, the false disappears.  But we can’t fake unconditional love, and beliefs mask it.  So most people can’t express it.  Their cure, their joy, their freedom is right inside of them; and they cover it up with beliefs that they have borrowed from others.


The Fall

I came to realize the meaning of the fall, and why our love is not enough, one day while eating an apple.  I don’t like apples and rarely eat them; but I’d wondered why they used the apple in the story of Adam and Eve.  I thought eating one might help.  I cut the apple in half and saw the picture above.  The symbolism immediately fell into place.  Thankfully, I didn’t have to eat it to get the answer.

The photo above shows the inside of my apple; it has a five-pointed star in the arrangement of the seeds.  The five-pointed star is also drawn by tracing the movement of Venus over eight years and five days.  Venus (Greek Aphrodite) was associated with love.  However, she’s associated with human love, not unconditional love.  Thus her love is dual in nature.


moving the points in the pentagram

So when Adam and Eve ate the apple, they ate the apple of the illusion (duality), where the knowledge of good and evil reigns supreme.  If you look at the five-pointed star with one point on top, it looks like the Vitruvian Man.

Just like the triangle process, one point is on top and duality is on the bottom meaning that we’re living within duality, but we put our True Self first.  Ideally, we lead with unconditional love and simply use the illusion or duality for its creative potential (called first-cause creation).  People who do this often capture our hearts; they put the wisdom of the heart (True Self) in front of their head (false self).

On the other hand, if we turn the five-pointed star upside down, we get something with horns, which is where Satan came from.  Satan, or the horned devil, often is depicted as a goat. The goat was associated with Old Capricorn on the Zodiac.  He wasn’t the Creator God (Genesis I); he was an earthly God with lots of baggage like the Roman Saturn or the Greek Zeus.

When duality comes first, good-evil, win-lose, dominance-submission, or right-wrong are the foundation (second-cause creation).  Competition is normal and accepted.  The devilish part of humans (false self) says it loves us or cares for us while it’s actually limiting us.  It says it loves us as it requires us to believe its lies and obey its rules.  It says it’s caring for us while projecting its beliefs on us.  It loves us when it beats us in competition and makes us the enemy when it loses.


Unconditional Love or Old Capricorn?

It is our choice, which way we use our mind.  Which Venus do we honor?  Pay attention when you see the five-pointed star because those who use it usually know the difference between the one point up and the reverse.  It is an old, old symbol.  It speaks volumes.

Sadly, the God of the Old Testament was modeled after Saturn, Old Capricorn.  When we put that God before us, we live from conditional love and reward and punishment; then our love is not enough.  But when we let him go, our spark of the Creator God comes alive.



The answer can be found in another loving goddess, Isis (Egyptian).  Isis was the wife and sister of Osiris, the Sun God.  When her lover/brother was tricked and cut into pieces, Isis brought him back to life (she re-membered him) because she had a pure virgin mind and unconditional love.  She remembered who he really was.  The virgin mind was a mind with no beliefs.  It creates anew with ease.  (A virgin body doesn’t mean a damn thing so have all the sex you want.)

When we let go of conditional love, we’re left with the heavenly man.  The Vitruvian Man stands within the squared circle, the symbol for the union of heaven (circle) and earth (square); he’s perfect.  He’s free.  This man was the ancient high initiate, who used his body as a temple for his True Self (his God within).  For this man or woman, love is enough.



Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on https://nolabelsnolies.com and http://gatewaytogold.com.