The Awkward Phase On the Path To Freedom
By Cathy Eck Awkward Phase When I was little, I'd often find myself caught in some stupid habit or pattern of thought. My mother would say, "Ah, don't worry…
By Cathy Eck Awkward Phase When I was little, I'd often find myself caught in some stupid habit or pattern of thought. My mother would say, "Ah, don't worry…
By Cathy Eck When Love Is Not Enough Years ago, I met a sweet woman who was going through a tragic situation with her son. At the time,…
By Cathy Eck No Victims/No Perpetrators If you understand the nature of true and false selves, it's clear that victims and perpetrators are two sides of the same coin…
By Cathy Eck Cindy When I was in grade school, Cindy moved into my town. She was from the south and believed in voodoo. No one wanted to be…
By Cathy Eck Ties that Bind For the last two decades, I've been connecting the dots that link our stories, beliefs, minds, and physical experiences. Prior to my research,…
By Cathy Eck The Lie in Belief Somewhere around the 14th century, the word belief, as we spell it today, became part of the English language. Prior to that…
By Cathy Eck Level Confusion in Relationships In many of my posts, I talk about the nemesis of initiation -- level confusion. Relationships are highly complicated by level confusion. We… By Cathy Eck How to Motivate Others Until 1997, I owned a technology business. I learned so many lessons from running that business -- I'm incredibly grateful for…
By Cathy Eck Understanding Projection Many people today feel as though they're stuck in someone's illusory projection. They're more aware of their thoughts, and their life doesn't seem congruent…
By Cathy Eck Lost on a desert island, I'd want my Apple computer (with a solar battery) and my Adobe Creative Suite. They're more than just fun; these products…
By Cathy Eck Joy Last night I watched an interview of a popular author and speaker, who said, "People's greatest fear is joy." Fear and joy aren't connected;…
By Cathy Eck Facing Our Fears There's a popular book called, "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway." I've never read it, but I've heard plenty of people quote…
By Cathy Eck The Bridge To get from one side of the river to the other, we need a bridge. Likewise, to get from one side of perception to…
By Cathy Eck Is Money the Root of All Evil? One of the biggest stumbling blocks for people walking the path of initiation is how to make money and…
By Cathy Eck Superhero or God Last year at Comic-Con, the fundamentalists were protesting with vengeance. One person had a sign protesting the protesters that said, "People in…