How Do You Know What is True?

Truth or lies

By Cathy Eck


What is True?

In a world where false selves have become near clones of True Selves, it’s hard to determine what is true.  Often a strongly opinionated false self stands in our way, and we feel that our True Self is powerless.  That’s a moment where letting go pays big dividends.

There are multiple ways to discriminate between true or false.  Did an idea really come from God (as people claimed) or did it simply come from a very convincing human mind a long time ago?  False beliefs tend to look true as time passes.  The initiate’s job is to discriminate clearly and unfailingly.

So here is a summary of four ways to tell what is true.  They aren’t always quick and easy.  Sometimes you have to work a process for a while to see through the illusion.  Those who are winning the illusion are usually masters at manipulating these tests of truth.


Truth has no opposite

The triangle process is invaluable in determining what is true.  But what happens when a false self sees us as their enemy?

They’ll lose their steam when you recognize that they’re only seeing their reflection in you.  True Selves are like pure mirrors, which is why we all got pulled into the illusion as children.

So let go by rejecting their projection (beliefs) as false within your own mind.  The KEY is to work on your mind and ignore the other’s.  Too often we waste our energy because we get caught up in convincing or fighting the other.  When your mind is clear, if you need to say something, it will be inspired and true.


How Does it Feel?

This is my personal favorite what is true test.  Our emotions always relate to our own thoughts unless someone is speaking at us; then they relate to what we are hearing.  If everyone only said things that they ran through the how-does-it-feel test, the world would change dramatically for the better.  But this test is tricky because some people have twisted emotions due to religious or cultural brainwashing, called psychological reversal.

Recently, I saw a revealing BBC documentary called “The Most Hated Family in America” about the Westboro Baptist Church.  Below is a segment on YouTube displaying psychological reversal on steroids; I’ll warn you it’s very hard to watch.

Notice how these church members are speaking hateful words while smiling.  Their mouths are running automatically as programmed.  Their emotions are projected out to a target; so they’re not feeling them.  They’re thinking about their false God smiling on them, not the pain they’re causing others.  In fact, they believe they’re helping others to see the truth and mend their evil ways.

Most of us have less offensive psychological reversals.  But we have them.  Psychological reversals keep us stuck in right and wrong, good and evil.  They’re the master trick of the false self because they negate our God-given emotional barometer.  Blame is nearly always involved in psychological reversals.


Is it Win-Win?

This was my first what is true discovery.  When I had my business, I decided one day, that I would rather go bankrupt than ever do anything again that wasn’t completely win-win.  I started thinking carefully about everything I did, and I realized that I was changing into someone I actually liked.  I slept better, my mind was calmer and quieter, and my body was relaxed.

But it’s a tricky test.  People will say, “I’m win-win.  They’ll win if they do it my way.”  That isn’t how it works.

Imagine that you are the king of the world, and you get to choose the diet of every person on earth; you choose vegan because research shows it is healthy so you assume it must be true.  Now, I want you to go to northern Alaska in winter and be vegan.  You see, regardless of how reasonable it sounds to you, it doesn’t work for everyone.  So it isn’t true; it is merely a personal choice.  But you won’t see that unless you expand your sphere of influence.  The best answer would be something like “I want people in my world to eat what they are inspired to eat and enjoy eating.”  That is win-win.

We lose our win-win perspective when we limit our sphere of influence.  We have to remember that our thoughts contribute or contaminate everyone in the world in some small way.


What is True Works for All Time

This will sound funny to people trying desperately to live in the present moment.  But the Truth works in the past, present, and future.

When I was in college, I lived in a co-ed dorm for a year.  I was in my room studying with the door open on a Saturday night.  A gang of about ten young boys came in my room, locked the door, and told me to strip for some gang sex.  I calmly looked at them and said in a very stern voice, “You are thinking about now, the present moment, and you can have fun with me.  But what about tomorrow when you are a criminal?  What about the rest of your life?  Do you want to be a criminal and ruin your life?”  They got up and walked out the door.  Criminals always live in the present fueled by a contaminated past.

The truth works for the past, present, and future.  All three timeframes become perfect when you see them through the authentic eyes of the True Self.  Staying in the present is about enlightenment.  Being in all time is about total freedom, which includes enlightenment.

These are the big four.  True thinking passes all the tests.  When you find the true perspective, the initiates would say that you’re thinking like the creator God.  I promise you that you’ll want more.  It is pure unconditional love, and it is within you.

If something doesn’t test true in any of these, you’re not at the truth yet.  Keep trying.  It’s worth it.





Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and