By Cathy Eck
Edgar Cayce and The Book of Revelation
It was Edgar Cayce’s readings on the Book of Revelation that first gave me the idea that Armageddon was the end of the illusion and not the end of the world. He equated the seven churches to the seven major chakras in the body, and the lessons of the churches were the lessons that we had to learn to open our chakras and awaken. That all made sense, but I tend to be more of a big picture person than a detail person. I feel that if we get the big picture right, the details will fall nicely into place.
The big picture of the Bible is basically that Genesis, Chapter 1, is a metaphor for perfect creation as done by the True Self or True God. The rest of the Old Testament was basically about the false self, the false gods, and their illusions. Jesus’ story was an initiation story that demonstrated the way out of the illusion. But the New Testament struggles to free us because the Old Testament holds on for dear life. Eventually, the revelation (or awakening) occurs, and the illusion ends.
Fundamentalists see the Book of Revelation as the end of the world because they identify with the physical body and physical world. They see the Bible as a guide for good behavior. To the initiate, the Bible was a guide to the human mind. It was a guide to proper thinking, not proper doing.
The art of story writing is a mental creation process no different than God creating the universe. While the normal person turns experiences into stories to bore their friends and family, the writer invents stories in their mind and then pours them in to the world. A good story is congruent and true; but it is not real. It influences people’s lives who incorporate the story into their own reality. But no one ever lives the story to the letter because they have their own mind, their own power of influence. So good stories are true, but not real. They affect the physical, rather than record it. History (his story) is the art of story in reverse.
The Mayans Offer Clarity
The word maya means illusion. The entire Mayan calendar spans 16.4 billion years and was divided into nine time periods. Each period was twenty times shorter than the previous one, and they all end on the same day of December 21, 2012 (others say October 28, 2011), the end of the illusion.
During the third period, the idea of the family was born. Humans no longer thought only about themselves. Ideally, they would have made win-win choices that worked for themselves and their family. But instead, people created family pride based on family values (think Hatfield and McCoys). They sacrificed for their family and defended their family to the death.
The next period was about the tribe. The same logic applies. The tribe was just a bigger group than the family.
In the cultural period, which began 102,000 years ago, people invented reasons for events. The Gods did it, Eve did it, or you sinned. Religion was born. These reasons were all false because they were based on effects, not the mental cause, creating confusion and division.
The national period followed, then the planetary, and the galactic. The goal was the universal state of being, where everything in the universe would become one again. The mind was to become a pure reflection of spirit. But people got stuck in the lower levels because pride divides.
Sacrifice 101
If you make the Mayan calendar or the Bible about the physical, then sacrifice means giving up your physical body for the continuation of what you hold dear. But since the calendar was about mental evolution, one would sacrifice tribal beliefs for more expansive cultural beliefs, they would sacrifice religious and cultural beliefs for the benefit of the nation, and they would sacrifice nationalism for the benefit of the planet. Eventually, all limiting beliefs would be sacrificed, and we become one with the universe. Biblical sacrifice is the same since the Bible is also mentally focused.
When people identify with their body, sacrifice is viewed as purely physical. They hold on to their beliefs and secretly hope someone else will sacrifice their body for them. When we identify with our mind, and correctly sacrifice our beliefs, the perfect physical result follows. No humans are harmed in the experiment.
Death of the Illusion
From the mental level, Armageddon is not about the end of life on planet earth. It is about the illusion dying and peace on earth returning. The Book of Revelation says that Satan (false self) will lose, and peace on earth will reign for a 1000 years. The number one is symbolic of God and zeroes relate to eternity in a three-dimensional world. This victory is not about ascending somewhere (religion always sends us the wrong way). It is about the body becoming a perfect temple so spirit and mind can jointly descend into it.
Jesus was right when he said, “The meek shall inherit the earth.” War only exists in the illusion. As we let go, we lose our desire to compete or fight.
The goal of initiation was coded in the Bible and the Mayan Calendar. Together they make sense and prove that a new beginning awaits us. They both provided a universal context for conscious evolution ending in Armageddon (end of the illusion of good and evil). Satan (the false self’s beliefs) is released and everyone wins back their freedom. The spirit (True Self) is united with the body, and heaven returns to earth.
The Mayan calendar is an amazing blueprint for time and conscious expansion. For more, click here.
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