What is Blocking Heaven on Earth?

Heaven in the stars

By Cathy Eck


What’s Your Heaven on Earth?

I often give people I mentor the task of writing a description of Heaven on Earth.  I ask them to write from the heart — to say what they really want their life to look like.  I tell them to stretch as far as they can reach, even if it seems impossible.

If they write from the heart, I know it instantly.  Their description will have the tone of unity — no losers.  They won’t be fixing what’s wrong with earth or other people.  They’ll see their own True Self, and know the direction they must go in life.

This task isn’t about goal setting or creating a vision.  It’s about creating a North Star to follow.



The ancient notion of following stars was a practical thing, not a holy thing.  If you asked for directions, you might get an answer like this:

Take the middle star in the belt of Orion in your hand, and follow it until it’s behind you.  Then hold Sirius in your hand, and follow it to the destination.  


This worked great for outer navigation.  And the concept of outer navigation matched the notion of inner navigation; people were more congruent in earlier times.  People today can be ugly on the inside and pretty on the outside.  They can present a logical, and even expert, outer persona while being a confused mess on the inside.  In the ancient world, a person was only a good outer navigator if they were first a good inner navigator.

Just like a competent traveler followed the stars to their destination, we inner travelers get to our True Self more quickly if we follow our inner stars.  But I’m not talking astrology here.  The stars represent our true, immaculate thoughts; when we follow them, we get to Heaven on Earth.  If we follow false thoughts, we end up in hell.

The star constellations were the immortal Gods of the ancient world.  They formed the original notion of life as heavenly, good, and perfect.  But as the stories became dramas and the Gods fell, our notion of life fell with them.


Practically Speaking

If you want perfect health in your Heaven on Earth, watch your mind and notice which thoughts take you toward that destination.  Those are your true thoughts.  You accept only what’s true, and let go of the rest.  If you accept disease as normal; then you get what you expect.  You won’t question beliefs about disease if you’ve accepted it as part of life.  When your destination is Heaven on Earth, everything false rises to the surface so you can let it go.


Heaven on earth is our normal perspective that remains when everything false is removed.


It Sounds Easy

Once you try this, you realize just how many beliefs you have in your mind.  Many people in the new thought movement felt that there were just too many belief in our mind to let go.  So they invented new positive minds to cover the old ones.  But their old mind eventually pokes through because they still believe it; they just don’t want to believe it.  “Cancel, cancel” doesn’t declare a belief to be false.

Why doesn’t anyone do this?  People don’t believe they can let go of their false self because they have beliefs (mostly from religions) that make it impossible to do.  Here are the top five beliefs (lies) that you must let go if you want to live your Heaven on Earth.


Heaven is Up in the Stars

Since the first stories were based on star constellations (Gods) and the Gods were omnipotent and immortal, heaven was up in the stars.  Religion hijacked the idea so we’d believe that we can’t have heaven while on earth.  Religion left out the ancient maxim:  “As Above, So Below.”  The ancient storytellers knew that the stories of the Gods would become the archetypes of life on earth.


You Get Rewarded When You Die

Religion says rewards come after death when and if you get to heaven; people believe that and never get rewarded in life.  No matter what they do, life remains the same dull, boring mess.  This belief is also key to healing an incurable or chronic illness.  Many people die because they are sick and tired of not getting rewarded in life.


You Can’t Let Go

When we see a belief as a belief, we can let it go.  But when we see a belief as true, our mind holds it the same way it holds our True Self, and we can’t let it go.  In truth, our beliefs don’t want to be held hostage.  It’s the authorities that benefit from our beliefs that want us to keep them.


You Have to Work Out Your Karma

When you let go of a belief, it has a ripple effect.  Everything created by the belief starts to seem less real.  Even horrible events exist in your mind like a dream.  You don’t have to work anything out or pay a price.  Karma is a belief.  Only the false self can do wrong.  When your false self is gone; you realize YOU (the True Self) didn’t do anything wrong.


The Nasty Ass, Jealous, Punishing Authority is God

Far too many people obey the false God’s voice because we’re taught it’s the “One” God.  When you obey that voice, you’re never going toward your True Self or Heaven on Earth.  In fact, that voice hates your True Self because your True Self is far more powerful than it is.

People who talk about “Lord God” are always outer focused.  They see evil everywhere, but never in themselves.  They do nice deeds, but think horrible thoughts.

When we get our mind set on our true North Star (our Heaven on Earth), we see the evil inside of our own mind, realize it is simply false, and take it out.  Then Heaven returns to earth because Heaven is a perspective, not a place.





Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on https://nolabelsnolies.com and http://gatewaytogold.com.