Where’s the Proof? Initiation 101

Initiation, Where's the proof?

By Cathy Eck


How can you prove that? Why isn’t this taught or spoken of more?  Do you know people who have mastered their minds and no longer have health issues?


Occasionally, I get an email like the one above.  The questions are very reasonable.  I recognize that I don’t sound like everyone else.  Initiation is not like anything else out there, and it sounds crazy until you understand it.


Where’s the Proof?

I share freely nearly two decades of full-time research into ancient initiation.  I was drawn to the teachings of the mystery schools because they said the graduates healed the sick, manifested whatever was needed, and remained eternally youthful.  I wanted to see if it was true or if it was pure mythology.  I went into this project with skepticism but a very open mind.  I also committed that I was willing to risk everything, including my life, for the answer.

Initiates were said to be taught and then tested.  However, their tests weren’t for grades; they were do or die.  You had to embody what you learned, not just memorize information.  Today we memorize information.  We don’t embody it.

The initiate became the proof.  People didn’t go into initiation with a money back guarantee.  Passing the test was the proof.  The initiate knew that these tests were the natural consequences of their beliefs and an opportunity to prove their mastery.  Without beliefs, there would be no tests. By letting go, they gained the eyes to see and ears to hear.  They became like pure-minded children.

I took what I learned very serious, and tested it out.  I failed and failed, but I refused to give up.  My outer world didn’t change much for a long time, but my inner world was becoming quiet and clear.  Worry and fear were disappearing.  Problems were becoming less frequent.  When I looked at the Bible or mythological stories, I could stand in the shoes of the author; it looked nothing like what I was taught.  There were no contradictions; everything made sense.

My own proof came from my success, not the other way around.  People get rewards from initiation based on their own perseverance.  I can’t promise anything.  I’ve had results in every aspect of my life.  The short list of problems that I’ve healed includes migraine headaches, shoulder pain, persistent cough, heartburn, constipation, female problems, chronic fatigue, depression, joint pain, MS, allergies, asthma, skin problems, digestion problems, and lower back pain; all were healed without any medication, diet changes, or help.  I’m sure there are more that I’ve forgotten.  Once I found the causal belief, my True Self healed my problem.  The ancients were right.

Nevertheless, my old beliefs had lots of power; they didn’t go down without a fight.  So I understand why people don’t trust what I say; I’ve been in their shoes.

Most people look to a false outer God, an expert with knowledge, or an outer solution; the Jesus they worship said that God was within.  He also said we could do everything he did.  Why do I sound so crazy?


Why Doesn’t Anyone Else Say This?

My guess would be money and power.  There are people who know what I share, and they use it for their own self gain.  I thought about doing that, but I chose to attempt to even the score.  I felt that was the win-win thing to do.

I now understand why people use this wisdom for self gain because people who believe religion, a guru, or their doctor over their own True Self don’t appreciate the information.  Instead of trying it, they make it wrong.  I’ve tried to help people who acted like they were possessed as they defended their limitations and problems.  It makes you want to say, “Screw you.”  Thus people in the know become jaded and quit sharing the information.  Others fear that those who benefit from the wisdom will harm them.  Some take vows of silence.

I don’t fix other people and I don’t care to; but I do help them find their inner power because I know where to look.  I expose beliefs as untrue because they are harmful, and people who benefit from those beliefs don’t like their winning formula being exposed or laughed at.  But you come to see beliefs as just plain stupid, funny, and worthless.  We want them to lose power.

I never ask anyone to accept beliefs except for the belief that they can let go.  You need that belief until your True Self kicks back into power.  The end goal is a free mind with no beliefs.


Why Do I Do This?

Most, if not all, suffering is avoidable if we know how to let go.  I know that when I heal something in my body or let go of a belief, it is far better than sex, drugs, or meditation.  It is the best gift that I can possibly give away.

Today initiation happens within the world at work, home, and in our communities.  If we understand initiation, we can sail through life’s challenges.  Throughout all of history, initiation has been viewed as the way to freedom — the short cut to heaven on earth.

Initiation is different because it is universal.  Christians need saving.  Jews follow the laws.  Muslims follow Mohammed.  Easterners undo karma and seek enlightenment.  If people want to follow those routes, I suggest they do them to the letter.  When they do that, as I once did, they will see the holes.



When we have no more doubt, we see proof.  I hope to become the proof  of what I’ve learned from initiation because it is a universal perspective.  Initiates lived with unconditional love; I’d like to be just like them.  

I don’t expect anyone to believe me because that would be asking them to accept beliefs.  If they let go, they will see the same things I’ve seen because the truth is within everyone.


I’m always very happy to answer questions.  


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on https://nolabelsnolies.com and http://gatewaytogold.com.