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What If I Like My Beliefs? What Do I do With Annoying Believers? Etc.

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Beliefs and Believers

Beliefs aren’t really a problem if we truly understand that they’re all false. Believers of all sorts fear other peoples’ beliefs; they think the others’ beliefs can affect them.  Beliefs can’t affect us unless we believe them.  Really!  Likewise, prophecy only affects people who accept it as true.

This wisdom makes life inherently fair.  But believers do need opposition to take their imaginary punishments.  For a long time, I feared believers; that fear cast me into unwanted roles within their illusions.  Once I no longer believed them, they lost their false power over me.

People with strong beliefs challenge us during initiation.   They show us what we still believe.  That’s a valuable service.  We also get to practice not judging them for having beliefs.  They’re living a false illusion; but they aren’t bad.

Beliefs die a natural death without human fuel.  Consequently, believers hate when we ignore them; but too often we argue with them.  Arguing puts us on their false level.  We lose when they say we offend them.  We’ll lose if they trigger doubt in us by pulling out an out-of-context Bible verse.  Many Food Police would reel me in with their charisma as they talked about their bullshit belief of the day.  Believers are always armed and ready to defend their beliefs.

Resist their pull to battle; it only gives them power.  Just realize that their beliefs are false and let them go.  In this way, you stay in power.  You see, us nonbelievers aren’t psychologically reversed like them, we feel the emotions that they should feel since they just lied.  But they believe they spoke the one-and-only truth — they feel nothing.  In most any battle, the emotional person loses.  Chances are, that will be us.

However, if we discriminate and let go, the emotions we feel leave us and return to their source — the believer.  If we stay in our True Self, said believer must deal with their own emotions.  If we’re wise, we give them what they fear most — unconditional love.  Pure love dissolves anything false.  It’s the most powerful weapon in the universe.  I never attack a believer; but if they attack me, I shoot them with love.  They hate it.

What if We Can’t Let Go?

There’s no belief you can’t let go.  However, letting go often takes time.  What if you’re in an urgent situation, like a health crisis?  You can feel lost between two worlds.  The best and safest thing to do is to honestly admit that you don’t believe you can let go right now; follow your beliefs to the letter.  Do whatever you believe will result in healing the effects.  After the crisis is over, let go around that subject until you release the causal belief.  Regardless of what you’re told by experts, the problem will disappear and not return when you no longer hold the causal belief in mind.

My biggest surprise around letting go, and what comes as a shock to people I mentor, is that any situation that we didn’t fix at the cause earlier in life will come up again in initiation.  If we had a physical problem earlier in life, it’s wise to look at the beliefs that caused that problem while our health is still good and our mind clear.  If we had relationship problems that we fixed with therapy or boundaries, get ready!  People often get upset when they regain the weight they once lost through dieting and exercise.  They fixed the effect, not the cause.  We’ll probably meet these problems again, but now we’ll know how to let go.  This time, we’ll remove the cause.

Can I keep my religion?

Of course. You won’t be completely free, but you can keep it.  I recommend that anyone with a tradition, practice, or religion, which they believe they want to keep, should live it fully, honestly, and completely.  Do it exactly as prescribed.  Don’t cheat.  In that way, you’ll see it for what it is.

When you practice a tradition, practice, or religion selectively, you’re not really following the tradition.  You pick up all of the beliefs of that tradition, yet don’t follow the protocol — that’s dangerous.  Many people make up their own rebellious rules or beliefs — not realizing that their modifications have no power against the fundamentalists’ beliefs.

If you live any belief system fully without cheating and still like it, then keep it.  But don’t become a zealot.  Even if it works for you, it’s still a belief system; it’s unfair to force others to accept your beliefs.

Challenging Beliefs

Many of us were taught to never challenge another person’s beliefs.  It’s certainly not good to argue over beliefs since we get the cooties of the person we argue with.  But we must challenge the beliefs within our own minds.

If another person has beliefs, and they’re happy with them, then I just make sure that I don’t believe them and infect my mind.  However, if they ask me to listen to their problems, to help them fix their problems, or to take care of them in some way, then that’s a request for help.  I give them support by helping them find their causal belief and let that belief go.  I’m not a caretaker.  If they don’t want their belief challenged, then they can fix their own problem.  I won’t fix their effects.  Jesus demonstrated this by “letting the dead bury the dead.”  In other words, those in the illusion can take care of the illusion’s problems.

Generally, I’ll only help another clean up their mess if they let go since I know the problem won’t happen again.  When people are forced to take responsibility for the effects of their beliefs, they often choose to let go.  My methods sound cruel to some, but they’re not.  In my experience, when I hold people to the truth, they often rise to the occasion.  When I rescue someone who’s drowning, I usually drown with them.


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on and