Going All the Way: When Our Gifts Hold Us Back

  • Post category:Initiation

Light at the end of the tunnel, gifts

By Cathy Eck

Gifts, From  A Different Vantage Point

Often, what causes people to exit the path to freedom before they reach the end is a gift.  If their gift brings them money or fame, it’s hard to give up.  They don’t want to give up something in the bag for something that might not pay off.

I used to feel sad that I didn’t have any amazing gifts.  I was good at whatever I did, but not passionate.  In hindsight, that was a blessing.  If I had been truly amazing at something, I might have believed that was my final destination.  I might have had a hard time giving up the illusory benefits.  Often people don’t realize that their gift isn’t the end point of their life until a tragedy happens, and they can’t do it anymore.

Now, however, I have a different vantage point on gifts.  If you know how to use a gift, you can milk it for all it’s worth and stay on the path to freedom.  The key is in how you perceive others.  This is the true reason for service.  It isn’t to be good or kind (that’s a side benefit); it’s to get free.

The key is to treat everyone as your reflection.  In that way, you leave everyone you touch a little freer; you find things to let go that you didn’t know you had inside.  It takes a little practice, but it’s worth it.


Intuition or Psychic Abilities

Intuition is the ability to find our way through mazes of beliefs.  It’s very useful in the illusion where beliefs rule.  But inspiration is better.  Inspiration is when we find ourselves doing something wonderful without even thinking about it — people call it the flow.  Inspiration is perfection — the highest state of being.

If you have the gift of intuition, don’t discard it.  Use it to find what you or your clients need to let go.  I had to do this with Freedom Astrology.  I had to change it to an exit, rather than an illusion-navigation tool.



Healing ability is amazing.  More amazing is living in a world where disease doesn’t exist.  That’s the true job of a healer.  The True Self doesn’t know disease.  So use your patients as your mirror.  If they believe they have a disease, recognize that they’re showing you that you still believe in that disease (or label) unconsciously.  Let it go in yourself, and their healing will be more complete as well.



I don’t channel (people ask me that a lot because channels often write similar information).  When you let go of the beliefs that block your wisdom, you recognize that you (not Bobo from the 18th century) have all the answers, you don’t need to go anywhere to get the truth.  The free life is a practical life — we’re all spiritual beings in bodies.  We all know the truth.  Often channels have a fear of expressing the truth as themselves; it was pretty risky until recent times.


Acting, Music, Art, Writing

These are what I call True professions because they’re creative.  Letting go takes them to a higher level.  The point of these activities is to let go of whatever is in the way of expressing yourself completely and fearlessly.  That’s why I write this blog and paint.  I want to see where my false self holds me back.  I want my fears and false limitations to arise.  That way I can let them go.


Teaching, Coaching, Mentoring

Most teachers and coaches put themselves in the masculine role and give lessons or techniques.  They bore the hell out of their students or they hype them up with excitement.  Real teaching is about being a true leader.  It’s about letting go of whatever limitations you see in your students (your private mirrors) so that they can flower in your presence.


You’re Putting me Out of Business

When I make these suggestion to people, I feel their fear arise.  How will I make money if my students flower?  They won’t need me.  How will I make money as a healer if I no longer believe in disease?  If I do the art I want to do, I’ll be judged.  I had all of those fears too — they were unfounded.

I’ve been writing, teaching, healing and intuiting toward freedom for several years, and I still see beliefs to let go.  Freedom isn’t an overnight job or a weekend workshop.  In the ancient schools of initiation, it was believed to take an average of about seven years.

As you let go of beliefs, more and different doors open.  You thought you could only make money as a teacher or psychic, but you find you’re actually a damn good artist or actor.  You find a passion arise as an herbalist and people love your herbs.  You remember that as a child you wanted to teach in foreign countries.  You’ve been putting travel on hold; now you’re inspired to go to new places.  You might discover that you have a gift of mentoring others toward freedom.  There’s a lot of room in this profession.  Have you noticed how many people are stuck in their false minds?  I can use some help.

In initiation, the high initiates taught the lower initiates.  Jesus was the perfect example of how to serve and move toward freedom at the same time.  He healed by correcting his own mind.  He didn’t channel, he knew.  He taught what he knew to others.  He wasn’t intuitive; he was inspired.  And he never went without.  He never complained that something was missing from his life.  His desires and his gifts aligned perfectly so that he could be himself.

Fine tuning your gifts speeds up the train to freedom.  You’ll start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  As you free yourself, using your natural gifts, you’ll not only free yourself, but you’ll also contribute to a free world.


Cathy Eck has been researching life's greatest mysteries for over two decades. She knows that everyone deserves to fulfill their dreams and fulfill their destiny. It is only the false beliefs that we hold in our mind that keep us from achieving that end. As we let those beliefs go, life gets much easier and more joyous. In the course of her research, Cathy has learned many tricks to make the journey much easier. She shares what she has learned on https://nolabelsnolies.com and http://gatewaytogold.com.