By Cathy Eck
Superhero or God
Last year at Comic-Con, the fundamentalists were protesting with vengeance. One person had a sign protesting the protesters that said, “People in denial that their superhero is imaginary have no business making fun of people who know their superhero is imaginary.”
Fundamentalist religion maintains the notion of a supernatural God with the power to rescue humanity. Brainwashed people wait for the rapture with absolute conviction that it will happen, but it doesn’t. Saviors and superheroes were born of the belief that mankind fell into a world of good and evil. But we didn’t.
When humans accepted the belief in the fall, they imagined a superhero or savior coming to the rescue. When we wait for someone to do for us what we’re meant to do ourselves, we never take the responsibility necessary to change our minds. Consequently, we never save, ascend, or resurrect ourselves — we just wait for “The One” to come.
The Chosen Ones
Prophecies of rapture involve groups of chosen people who believe they’ll be spared from an imminent disaster. This group takes great pride in being special in God’s eyes and attacks outsiders who disagree with them.
Group bonding is an old trick based on pride and the power of a common enemy. Ancient leaders routinely told their followers they were chosen by God. Chosen people want to keep their insider status.
Initiation, on the other hand, was chosen by the initiate. God was the pattern of perfection, the blueprint for Heaven on Earth, pure thought, and unconditional love. Initiates called this pattern their True Self. Jesus called it the Father within. Storytellers called it the superhero. It was all good.
Conversely, evil was a mental projection of our false self. The initiate saw the false self as something to let go; the chosen ones saw the false self as the common enemy to battle until the end times.
The God Complex
If you’ve got a giant-sized false self (God complex), then you’ll think you need minions to help you win your illusory battle over evil. The good and evil illusions of rulers became collective battles. They recruited “proud” military and religious followers to fight their imaginary wars and uphold their rules.
Pride is always a sign that we’re playing a role in someone else’s drama. It’s a negative emotion that pretends to be positive.
If we’re fighting another person’s imagined enemy, we can’t see where we’re going or the cause of our problems. We living in their illusion. We’re not the director of our life; they are. When we accept another person’s beliefs and rules, we believe that we must follow them. Eventually, we’re no longer the custodian of our own minds. But when we complain, the leader just tells us that we’ve sinned and are living our destiny or karma.
If we could just remembered that we didn’t fall, and there is no evil or enemy to fight, we’d drop out of the game. We certainly wouldn’t fight another person’s imaginary evil opponent.
So those who benefitted by the illusion (the wealthy, powerful winners) created the notion that we couldn’t go back into the Garden of Eden — God locked the gate. That forced us to stay in the game. It was a lie, but it kept us minions from seeking initiation.
While the masses obeyed the imaginary punishing God, the privileged inner circle knew there was no punishing God and no hell. They had no fear, guilt, or shame for their addiction to war, money, and power. Their most obedient chosen followers would even regulate the rebels; the illusion sustained itself with very little effort. It still continues today. The masses fulfill every need and insane desire of those in power while giving up their own desires. They patiently wait for their savior or superhero to arrive and save them.
It’s a lie. No one is coming.
Return to Eden
Initiates wanted out of the illusion game. They wanted to get back to life on earth as a cooperative and creative playland. They put their True Self back in power and slowly let go of all false beliefs in the illusory world until the final lie was gone — the lie that humans fell out of Eden into a world of good and evil. Once their false self was completely eliminated, the initiates looked like superheroes. But, they were just humans with free minds. The initiates told us that we could do it too.
Needing another lie to keep the illusion going, the false leaders said the savior/superhero healed our sins so we were good to go. Once again, no one sought initiation.
The false God and his legion of rulers often looked like True Selves, but they weren’t. They were simply good impersonators living off the power of their followers. People were so brainwashed that they trusted and followed the false leaders while ignoring the true ones. People who reached the state of freedom couldn’t help those who wouldn’t listen to them. So the true leaders often lived reclusive lives only providing assistance when they were asked to do so.
When we let go of our beliefs, we find ourselves living more and more in Heaven on Earth. We recognize that there was no fall; there was no evil to battle. It exists only in the minds of those who believe it, fear it, and expect it. The only hell that exists is the hell of living in another person’s sick illusion. No one deserves to live that way.
When we finally realize that no savior or superhero is going to sweep down and rescue us, we take responsibility for our mind and remove the beliefs that covered up Heaven on Earth. We choose initiation. We realize that their wasn’t a heaven to rapture or ascend to — our destination was only a perspective away — a perspective we had inside of us all along. We’re the one we’ve been waiting for.
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