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A Comment About Writing to Solve Problems

To understand this conversation, you need some background on this Gold Circle article. Often people write to me with a big problem; and they want me to tell them what to let go. But I’m not psychic; I don’t have a clue what’s in their mind. However, I’m very good at discriminating. So often, I see that their causal beliefs for their stated problem are right in what they wrote to me. I can see cause and effect right in their email. The problem is that they can’t see the mental cause of their problem (effect) because their mind is too programmed. They believe that everything they wrote to me is true, when in reality everything they wrote to me is false but real.

So this is one of the first things that we do in the Gold Circle. I tell them to write about a problem. Then I tell them to go back to what they wrote and let go of every sentence…one at a time. When a sentence looks false, they can edit that false sentence out of what they wrote. Or the sentence might not be false yet, but their perception has changed; so what they wrote needs to reflect that inner change. Said another way, the writing needs to be fixed to reflect their new mindset. The word fixed seemed to be confusing people because it is a loaded word within the illusion.

After people get the hang of letting go, they will write me emails and use this technique to solve their problems on their own. They never send me the email. They tell me that writing to me works better than just journaling. But that isn’t anything to do with me. I can only guess that it’s because they get into the mode of thinking that they will get help; and then, they actually end up helping themselves. What I do is all about self-empowerment. I don’t do this to become anyone’s guru, healer, teacher, or leader. Quite honestly, when people try to give me such roles, it feels horrible. Those roles are just not attractive to me at all. My joy comes from assisting people in freeing themselves.

Damien 1/19/2017

Hi Cathy,

I found this great for the smaller stuff but still spend a lot of time on them. It’s the ‘fixing’ that throws me slightly. You wrote,

…then fix what you wrote.

It’s strange because I understood this before and now I don’t!

Cathy Replying to Damien 1/19/2017

Well if there is a change of perception in your mind, which was caused by letting go, then you want to reflect that in your writing, i.e., you’ll fix your original writing to reflect your mental change. I’m wanting you to visually see in your writing when your mind changes versus when your mind is totally stuck on some topic and doesn’t shift at all. That way it starts to register that your mind is producing your reality, and you do have the power to eliminate an undesirable reality by letting go. Too often today, people want to change their reality by positive thinking or changing their mind. That does appear to work at times, but it doesn’t lead to freedom.

If you feel that you can’t let go regarding a problem, then your writing won’t change on that topic; so your reality isn’t going to change either. You see that all the time in life; people tell the same victim stories over and over again. They need this writing technique.

I can tell you how my mind works and what I’ve observed in others. But you might have a strange pattern of thinking or beliefs that I’ve not seen or experienced myself. Writing often reveals people’s personal mental patterns and those less common beliefs that I might not think to expose (or haven’t exposed yet).

Damien Replying to Cathy 1/19/2017

When I change what I wrote, it’s not the reality of what happened; it’s more of a recognition of the false thoughts and beliefs. I feel the emotion, I know why it’s false, and I let go before I edit. It seems to be what you wrote to me before, like I’m trying to really show that letting go has worked; and I’ve let go. You’ve also noticed that I’m a thinker; it’s a bastard. Your western meditation helped with this before. I’ll use that more.

It’s like one step forward and two steps back sometimes! The days that I experience clarity are becoming longer. I see more and more why it’s “unlearning.”

Additional Comment from Damien 1/19/2017

I read your reply several times Cathy. I caught the blocking thoughts. Then the writing flowed, and I wasn’t trying to edit anything. All of these instances just fell away. Thats the best way that I can describe it. Thank you.

Cathy Replying to Damien 1/19/2017

Yes, that makes sense. That’s how it works. You let go and edit what you wrote until the problem is gone. But that’s different from journaling, editing to fix a story, or positive thinking. Letting go fixes our mind, and then the story changes. We are subtracting from our minds…not adding to or expressing our minds. Western meditation is similar because we are witnessing our minds and letting go. If you are doing this correctly, you might end up with a blank page. You’ll think, “Why in the hell did I think I had that problem?” “Why was I telling that stupid story?”

Sarah 1/21/2017

I’ve really been helped by all the examples you’ve given here Cathy plus the common traps that you’ve exposed. I was going to say the same thing as Damien with my stumbling block being “fix what you wrote.” Only I haven’t figured it out yet. I’m rewriting so it’s clearer and I write after each sentence where I can see how this happened and how I can see where the false beliefs played a part. But I stop there, and I’m not sure if that’s quite the goal.

Cathy Replying to Sarah 1/21/2017

Not quite. It sounds more like you are analyzing what you wrote and looking for false beliefs. That’s not editing in order to reflect our new found mental clarity; in this exercise, we are not explaining what is false. We’re just eliminating what is false from the story after we let it go. In the end, if you take this all the way, even the problem goes away. Like I said to Damien, you end up with no story at all. Now often in my writing, I take such a story and I make it full circle; but that is not for me. That is for all of you. I’m showing you where I started and what I let go. I don’t do that personally. I just let go and enjoy the results.

If you keep massaging the story or connecting dots (i.e, thinking about the story), it does get longer and more complex. That’s what people do in therapy; they look for reasons for why things happened as they did. But that’s not what we are doing because I want you to get free. You will totally understand your mind when it is free because you went through the letting go process. The goal of this exercise is to see how your mind lies and keeps you stuck. It’s also to see that as you let go, the problems that you thought you had aren’t problems anymore. So you aren’t going to have a victim story to tell when your mind becomes free.

Said another way, this writing exercise tells you where you are. It reveals the next thing that you need to let go. And over time, you can look at the revisions and see how you eliminated a problem from reality by using your mind as it was designed to be used. It was doing this myself and looking back at what I let go that gave me the confidence to come out of the closet with this work. It was so obvious to me that letting go was freeing my mind. My reality did change when I did that, but my mind was also becoming quieter and more clear. I was having more unique and original thoughts. I could discriminate easily again. People think that their thoughts are true, but their thoughts are actually beliefs that they are relabeling the truth.

Sarah Replying to Cathy 1/22/2017

Okay, gotcha. I can see that I’d slowed down; but now, I’m rushing through again. I guess that I want to keep up, gotta get through the articles and get it right. It’s revealed loads. I appreciate your reply.

Cathy Replying to Sarah 1/22/2017

Yea don’t bring school into our unschool. LOL! I’m trying to balance giving you guys new stuff with also giving you the time to work on it. I probably go faster than is comfortable at times. But you should take what I write at the speed that is comfortable for you. My writing is not going anywhere. You don’t ever have to keep up with me. Initiation is not a race; it’s your own personal experience…a wonderful experience.


Cathy Eck is a true pioneer always pushing the boundaries of thought and beliefs. Cathy is courageous about exposing the status quo. While her ideas might not be popular, they are effective, practical, and true. They create unity where division once existed. They create love where hate had reigned. They create joy where pain and sorrow were once normal. They are ideas worth considering and hopefully embracing.