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Comments About Western Meditation

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Amanda 1/17/2017

I really love this article. I was terrible at meditating, my mind always got lost on random tangents; and then I would fall asleep. I guess I did really appreciate the naps though! Really, it did help me to pay better attention to my thoughts. I failed at the “quiet the mind” kind, so I worked on the kind where you’re watching your thoughts, even before I found your sites. I think my clone thinking is getting really obvious to me. I’m trying to have conversations with people in my head instead of with my mouth, and it’s really starting to help. Learning to watch my mind has been difficult, but it’s getting better every day. Thank you for the tips!!

Cathy Replying to Amanda 1/17/2017

Always glad to hear when someone takes what I wrote and uses it successfully. Yes, if we are having a conversation in our mind, we probably should be letting go or having it without mouths. Very simply, eastern meditation is ignoring our mind or floating above our noisy mind; it results in projection. It actually destroys relationships over time. Nobody should enjoy eastern meditation. Western meditation is all about subtracting from our mind, and it ultimately leads to the end of projection and freedom. It makes relationships better.

Damien 1/19/2017

Over time, if this happens enough, you have a thought of something bad happening, feel emotion, and think it’s a premonition. If that isn’t enough, you become scared of life, and being blindsided; then if you feel joy or happiness, you get afraid. ‘Something bad is going to happen,’ you think. Think about that. You come to fear joy.

Made me smile when I read this part, almost word for word the thought’s/beliefs I held around this.

I did fear a joyful time. I did so because I believed it had to end with something bad. The more fun I was having, the worse the ending would be. That “Too good to be true” thought would root itself in my mind. One of the first things I did when I first started reading Gateway to Gold was stop saluting magpies and walking on cracks in the pavement!

Great read Cathy, I found the western meditation in your Gateway to Gold writings when I first found your site. When I did it, it was exactly how you described it, and it worked. I did it often at first, then as I felt lighter and more joyful day to day, I eventually stopped doing it.

Cathy Replying to Damien 1/19/2017

Fortunately all those bad things that we think are going to happen are FALSE. Hum “saluting magpies.” Must be a British one. That could get old. Lol! People often quit doing western meditation after a while because I don’t prescribe it as a practice for life like they do in the East. But it is always good to go back to. When I start any new topic, or begin a new decode of a story, I always begin with some western meditation so that I can take my temperature on that topic.

Damien Replying to Cathy 1/19/2017

Yeah strange, I got the belief from my dad, him from his parents, and so on. Was an easier one to let go, after doing it for twenty-two years.


Cathy Eck is a true pioneer always pushing the boundaries of thought and beliefs. Cathy is courageous about exposing the status quo. While her ideas might not be popular, they are effective, practical, and true. They create unity where division once existed. They create love where hate had reigned. They create joy where pain and sorrow were once normal. They are ideas worth considering and hopefully embracing.