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A Comment About Writing for Freedom

To understand this interaction, you need some background on the Gold Circle. One of the first things that I have everyone do is to list things that they truly desire (that’s Step One). I call that writing their “Heaven on Earth.” Then I have them list the places in their life that aren’t working (That’s Step Two). I call that their “Get Real.” Last I ask them to write a brief synopsis of their life story honoring Step One and Step Two. That is what Sarah was working on when she wrote this comment. The point of doing this exercise is for them to start to look at their mind objectively, honestly, and critically. When people begin initiation, they don’t know what to let go. Everything in their mind appears to be true.

This writing for freedom exercise also serves as a marker of their starting point for their initiation journey. Months later when they come back to this exercise, they’ll probably laugh at their “Heaven on Earth.” They will have let go of many false desires. After they finish the Gold Circle, they will understand why their “Get Real” was the way that it was. In fact, they will have let go of many of the beliefs that caused it to be that way.

Over time, they’ll accumulate proof that letting go has worked because this document will no be longer accurate. So the document becomes a record of their initiation journey, which can take years. When we let go, we forget what our mind used to be like. Letting go slowly changes our mind and life; what used to look real and true becomes an illusion. So it’s nice to have documents that prove that we’ve made progress. They come in handy when we are in a tough spot with letting go.

Sarah 1/18/2017

Hi Cathy et al – I’m at writing Step Three. I’ve spent lots of time reading, taking notes, pausing then letting go. I’m editing my life story which I’ve written as facts. I’ve edited it, so that I make it clear no matter who would read it. I’m unsure of why I have the urge to make it a positive story. I’m letting that go. I’m now looking at asking myself – how did that happen? I can see how things happened and what I believed. Is that the idea? I feel like I may have missed the final goal?

Sarah additional comment

Ah I think I’ve got a little muddled when you said: “If you change your beliefs in the present, the past you previously experienced could never have happened.” So the past is actually the present. I’ve been trying to make my story positive, but I know that’s not the message. My mind is running on old habits. I’ll think some more about this. Having a dumb f*** moment.

Cathy Replying to Sarah

I doubt you are alone in trying to make your story positive, Sarah. Have you been on social media lately? Part of that habit comes from confusion regarding what “heavenly ever after” or “heaven on earth” means. I think most people want to make their stories like a Disney movie. But they don’t have fairy Godmothers or magic wands. In initiation, our story ending is really just about mental completion. It’s about getting back to what we were inwardly when we were a clear and pure spark of the Creator…our True Self. When we get our inner mind back to that pure place, our outer life just works out. Let me clarify that I shouldn’t have said “change your beliefs;” in initiation, we let our beliefs go. I should have said “when you change your mind.” We don’t fix beliefs or improve them in initiation; and we definitely don’t make them positive.

Let’s talk about the past-present-future issue. In letting go, there is no time. It doesn’t matter if we are letting go of something that happened in the past, in a past life, or a fear that we have about the future. We are letting go of something that exists in the present within our mind. If we let it go, we have removed the cause of that effect (or potential effect) from our mind. So it cannot happen in the future. If something can’t happen, then it goes without saying that what happened in the past was just an illusion that we thought was real and true. We give illusory memories a lot of power; and sadly, most of the techniques offered by self-help or therapy don’t honor the FACT that when we think falsely, we manifest illusions that appear real but are not TRUE. Initiation is different from anything else out there, and you’ll come to see that for sure. In initiation, we are just using whatever happened in our life as feedback. People make life much too serious because they make their illusions, manifested by their beliefs, into the truth.

That being said, you can’t think about what I just said or make it happen. What I’m sharing is just what you notice as you let go. So you must look critically at your mind to find out why you want to make your story positive. Ask your mind why it wants to do that, and let go of the answers. On the one hand, positivity with no negativity is a quality of our True Self. But most people in the illusion are positive thinkers; and they project their negativity on to others. They are not coming from their True Self, which doesn’t think…it knows. Forcing your story to be positive or denying what you didn’t like in your story is an attempt to make it look like you have nothing to let go. If that were true, you wouldn’t be here. You’d have no problems, illnesses, or emotions. You’d be living your true heaven on earth.

Regarding your question about seeing why things happen as they did, make sure that you take the time to let go of what you found when you discovered the causal belief for any incident. In self-help or therapy, people go searching for reasons for things. They do that with their masculine thinking mind…often they are dot connecting. That is not letting go. So they find reasons for what happened, but that doesn’t change their past, present, or future because they have let go of nothing. In fact, it probably makes things worse because they’ve been playing with their poop. In initiation, when we find something false, we just let it go. We don’t think about it or ponder it, we let it go as false. That’s how you make progress more quickly.

Sarah Replying to Cathy

Thanks cathy; yes, I’m getting clearer – first bit of homework I’ve ever enjoyed lol!

Cathy Replying to Sarah

Haha, I like that. Yes it is fun getting to know our mind. We start to see the inner workings; and then, we can see what we need to let go to make our minds more free. I remember one day thinking: I’ve studied so many things, and yet I know nothing about myself. And I certainly don’t know others if I don’t know myself. Then I started letting go (via win win at first), and it was like “Cool, now I’m becoming the expert of my own mind.” We are all meant to be masters of our mind. But the popular occult techniques like positive thinking, changing one’s thoughts, or even doing practices to fix one’s mind only improve life within the illusion; they do not lead to mental mastery, which is the ability to exit the illusion. In life, we have to know what we truly want (our North Star); and then, we have to know the path to get there. Sadly, there are a lot of fake paths out there. Letting go is subtracting from our mind in order to get free; if we are on a path that is adding to our mind or massaging what is in our mind, that is a false path. It is not going to lead to freedom.


Cathy Eck is a true pioneer always pushing the boundaries of thought and beliefs. Cathy is courageous about exposing the status quo. While her ideas might not be popular, they are effective, practical, and true. They create unity where division once existed. They create love where hate had reigned. They create joy where pain and sorrow were once normal. They are ideas worth considering and hopefully embracing.